Gilles Granier

참여 작품

Alain, a famous actor, agrees to play the impossible role of Jacques Brel. Realising that it might be the last role of his life, he decides to leave the set in the middle of a scene to see Lou, his daughter, whom he has not seen grow up. Against all expectations, Lou gradually enters into his fictional universe.
All Your Faces
Restorative justice programs offer a safe space for dialogue between offenders and victims - supported by professionals and volunteers. Among the participants are Chloé, a victim of sexual assault; Grégoire, Nawelle, and Sabine, victims of burglary and snatching; while Nassim, Issa, and Thomas are offenders, convicted of violent robberies. In this emotional and difficult journey, they must overcome resentment to find solace and forgiveness. And perhaps, at the end of the road, some of them might even find healing.
The Blaze
Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly approaching their forested area of southern France. The pair know all the local roads, and the secret detours, but when they are caught in a dead end, they seem to be running out of possible exits. At once road movie, claustrophobic jeopardy thriller and portrait of a prickly but tender father-son relationship, this finely acted and executed film expertly lays on the heat.
Les Têtes givrées
Alain, a former mountain guide, decides to change his life and become a teacher. He finds himself faced with colorful ninth graders who are not interested in anything. Seeking to motivate them and bring them together, Alain decides to organize an outing... in the bowels of a glacier. The students discover a breathtakingly beautiful world of ice. The idea that this glacier could disappear is unbearable for them. Trained by Alain, the students throw themselves body and soul into a crazy project: to prevent the glacier from melting and nothing can stop them!
The Colors of Fire
February 1927. The funeral of Marcel Péricourt, the most powerful banker in Paris. His daughter Madeleine must take the helm of the financial empire of which she is the heiress. But she has a son, Paul, who with an unexpected and tragic gesture will place her on the path to ruin.
원 이어, 원 나이트
Ramón and Céline are a young couple that attended a concert at the Bataclan theatre in Paris on the fateful night of November 13, 2015. They survive the attack, but when they leave the theatre, they are no longer the same. That night leaves a deep scar on both their lives and each tries to cope with the aftermath as best they can. Céline desperately tries to leave the events behind her, clinging to her previous life, while Ramón repeatedly goes back to that night, trying to remember and understand what happened. Nonetheless, they both face the same key question: how to reconnect and move on together?
Natural Born Liar
Jerome, 35, is a yacht salesman in Nice. But if you listen to him, in his spare time Jerome is also an astronaut, a karate world champion and a close friend of Miss Universe. As a matter of fact Jerome is a compulsive liar: he lies to everyone about everything! No one believes him, but that doesn’t prevent him from accumulating more lies. But one day Jerome wakes up to find out that all his lies have come true... and it’s just the beginning of the troubles ...!
여러 여성과 가벼운 관계를 통해 창작의 영감을 얻는 기혼 작가 필립. 최근에 만난 영국 여인에게서 각별한 감정을 느끼고,그녀의 매력적인 말투와 아름다움에 빠져들기 시작하는데…. 일상을 파고드는 사랑으로 고민하는 그. 과연 필립에게 그녀는 어떤 사람으로 남게 될 것인가?
내셔널 갤러리
Digital Colorist
1824년 설립된 영국의 런던 내셔널 갤러리는 13세기 중엽부터 19세기까지 서양 미술의 걸작 약 2천 3백점의 컬렉션을 소장하고 있으며, 세계 미술사의 모든 것을 한 눈에 살펴 볼 수 있는 곳으로 유명하다. 영화는 갤러리 안에서 펼쳐지는 상세한 일들을 A부터 Z까지 담아내며 화려한 전시와 더불어 그 이면의 복원과 갤러리 운영, 교육 그리고 직원들의 이야기 등을 담아내고 있다. 또한, 천재적 화가인 레오나르도 다 빈치, 빈센트 반 고흐, 파블로 피카소, 카미유 피사로 등의 매력적인 전시를 한눈에 살펴볼 수 있다.
Digital Intermediate Colorist
캘리포니아의 재정난과 지원금 감축이 야기한 위기 상황 아래서 버클리 대학의 사람들뿐 아니라 정부 지원을 받아 운용되는 공공 교육의 시스템, 민주적인 의사참여 방식, 대학 구성원들의 헌신을 기록한다.
여자 없는 세상
Color Timer
해변에서 휴가를 보내게 된 실뱅은 파트리샤와 쥘리에트를 만나게 된다. 실뱅은 두 여인에게서 복잡한 감정을 느낀다.
Crazy Horse
Digital Intermediate Colorist
A cinéma vérité look inside Paris' Crazy Horse, a club that boasts the greatest and most chic nude dancing in the world.
Cendrillon du pied gauche
한 때 극단을 운영했으나 곧 파산하고 감옥에 투옥된 몰리에르. 그러나 그의 빚은 부호 몽주앙 조르다인에 의하여 청산되었다. 몽주앙 조르디안이 아름다운 과부 셀리멘을 유혹하기 위해 뛰어난 극작가인 몰리에르에게 극본 쓰기를 요청한 대신 그를 풀어준 것. 그러나 조르다인은 셀리멘이 아닌 다른 여자와 결혼을 하게 되고, 두 딸을 둔 존경 받는 아버지가 된 몽주앙 조르다인에 의해 몰리에르의 극본은 비밀로 남겨지게 된다. 몰리에르는 조르다인의 집에 초대되고, 몰리에르는 그들에게 소박한 성직자 ‘타르튀프’로 소개되는데... 13년이 지난 후, 왕으로부터 극장을 수여 받은 극작가이자 배우가 된 몰리에르. 그러던 어느 날, 한 여자가 그에게 그녀 엄마의 임종에 따라오기를 부탁한다. 프랑스 최고의 희곡작가 몰리에르의 일대기를 그린 영화 !