Fan Ziqi

Fan Ziqi

출생 : 1991-01-21,


Graduated from Beijing Modern Music College with a Bachelor of Performance Department of Level 09 and Advanced Class of Level 15 of the Central Academy of Drama.

프로필 사진

Fan Ziqi

참여 작품

The Painted Skin: New Legend of Liao Zhai
The Paonted Skin: New Legend of Liao Zhai
화성 기지의 씨앗창고가 별똥별의 공격을 받는다. 용감하게 이를 구하려던 중국 우주비행원은 신비로운 거곤을 만나게 되는데...
Story of Ming City Wall
Ne Jun
In order to benefit the people, the wealthy Shen Fu of the Ming Dynasty paid for the construction of the city wall. Unexpectedly, during the construction process, the river demon rampantly destroyed the city wall under construction, and the people were panicked for a while. To appease the people, the emperor ordered Shen Fu to offer the heirloom pot of treasures to suppress the evil spirits, and was given a three-day deadline to order Shen Fu and Li Han Yang, the left minister of the Ministry of Works, to repair the city wall. The river demon is still going around, and Shen Fu investigates with his companions to discover that there is something else going on. What is the secret behind it? While fighting the monster, how can Shen Fu solve the case within the three-day deadline?
신요괴전: 나타요해
Shi Ji
기원전 1,000년경 상나라 주왕 시대, 인간 세상을 어지럽히는 요괴의 잦은 출몰로 백성은 고통받고 있었다. 진당관의 총병 이정의 부인이 임신 3년 6개월 만에 사내아이를 낳자, 요괴 석기낭랑은 아이를 죽이려고 한다. 하지만 이를 막으려는 태을진인의 공격으로 석기낭랑의 계획은 실패하고, 크게 다쳐 목숨이 위험해진다. 태을진인은 아이가 영주자의 환생이라며 '나타'라는 이름을 지어주고, 성인이 되면 건원산으로 찾아오라고 한다. 18년 후, 성인이 된 나타는 요괴 사냥꾼으로 이름을 떨치지만, 수많은 요괴 사냥꾼의 경계 대상이 된다. 자아강의 요괴가 아버지 이정과 연관 있다는 소문을 들은 나타는 진실을 확인하고자 자아강으로 향하는데...
The Longest Dream
Jia Qi
Lovelorn Museum
Dan Dan
An Zhang
Zhang Zhe, a genius student, and Zhang Nan, a handsome swimmer, couldn't understand each other. They did not expect to meet each other at the same university. Zhe is a mathematical genius, but has a social phobia; Nan is an athlete, but he hates being used as a racing machine by his father. The two men help each other by the means of mutual encouragement. Nan helps Zhe overcome his social fears while Zhe helps Nan find the real meaning of being an athlete. Prequel to "The Ambiguous Focus".