Rinat Doshibekov

참여 작품

Test Drive
A tough and successful businessman Bolat Gazizovich wins a major construction tender, which does not bring joy to his competitors - real bandits who want to force him to give up the victory. On the advice of his friend, Bolat goes on a trip to another city, and his daughter's unfortunate fiancé, whom he drove out the day before, turns out to be his companion. Misha, that's the name of the groom - an ordinary district police officer who dreams of a real job with shootings and arrests of seasoned criminals. And now - the road, one car for two, two fellow travelers who do not like each other and bandits chasing them. It would seem, what can be expected from such a trip? Skirmishes, chases, fights or silence and boredom all the way?
카즈밧 솔저
대학에 진학할 수 없었던 아자마트는 가정 형편을 생각해 군에 입대한다. 군대에서 자리나 간호병을 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되지만 아자마트는 동료들과 타지크 아프간 국경 임무에 자원한다. 용감하게 전투에 임한 아자마트는 하사로 진급하게 되고 생명과 죽음 사이에서 괴로워하며 군인의 임무를 성실히 수행한다. 마지막 프시하브르 협곡에서 전투에서 위기에 처한 아자마트는 무사히 살아 자리나를 만날 수 있을까?