This film tells the story of two very different but equally confused young musicians, Shanny, a harmonica singer who has been working hard for years, but whose career has not taken off and who has been hit hard by life, and Dong Dong, an ex-rock musician who is seriously ill and waiting for death to come. Their lives are changed by the presence of each other.
Le Anyui
평화롭던 백마진에 괴이한 일이 수차례 발생한다. 사형 집행인으로 일하는 시불거와 편불어에 의해 사형 집행된 악인들이 부활을 했고, 하늘에는 이상한 새들이 맴돌며 온 마을을 감시한다. 게다가 도시 외곽 황무지에서 온 괴이한 무리들이 백마진을 공격하겠다며 날뛴다. 결국 전투가 일어나고, 영웅호걸들이 등장해 백마진을 지키기 위해 목숨을 바치는데... 과연 백마진의 운명은 어찌 될 것인가? 시불거와 편불어는 영웅호걸들과 힘을 합쳐 백마진을 지키는데 성공할 수 있을 것인가? 그 답은 천진난만한 청년에게 달려 있다!
Shu Yi
The three people who were being rescued from a car accident hallucinated back to the day before the incident and re-examined their lives.
Liang Shuang
Hao is part of a team of young engineers called in to investigate a series of craters that have opened up on the edge of the city. Meanwhile, a younger boy, also named Hao, spends long afternoons playing with friends and making mischief until one-by-one, his playmates start to disappear. As these parallel stories unfold, the connections between them proliferate and grow stranger.