Michi Barall

출생 : 1970-10-25, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

참여 작품

Clifford Odets in Staten Island
Building on the critically-acclaimed success of SOPHOCLES IN STATEN ISLAND, Obie-winner and Ma-Yi affiliated artist Ron Domingo, along with his charming family, move beyond the Greeks to embrace the social protest theater of American playwright Clifford Odets. This time, the homeschooled teenage kids are studying the U.S. Labor Market using the plays of Clifford Odets as the take-off points. The results are both eye-opening and hilarious, as the family comes to grips with its place on the labor pecking order.
Sophocles in Staten Island
A Filipino American family in Staten Island is quarantined with an overbearing homeschool dad. There's no such thing as time off, so why not make a film of Oedipus Rex and Antigone that will surely please the College Board? 

In other words, what happens when you cross a Wong Kar Wai-wannabe with Gen-Z entitlement?
King of the Corner
Leo Spivak is drifting through life without a compass. His father is aging fast, his teenage daughter is rebelling, his protégé is after his job and his wife is losing her patience. A twist of fate and some bizarre wisdom from a "freelance rabbi" help Leo navigate the murky waters of his life and turn his crisis into a second-chance.
퍼스널 벨로시티
Felicia Wong
감독의 동명의 단편집에서 세 편을 뽑아 직접 각색한 작품. 세 장으로 나뉘어진 영화는 딜리아, 그레타, 폴라라는 세 명의 여성들의 삶을 보여준다. 딜리아는 노동자 계급의 남부 여성이다. 남편의 폭력을 견디지 못해 아이들과 함께 집에서 뛰쳐나온 딜리아는 친구의 차고에서 새 살림을 마련하고 웨이트리스로 일하게 된다. 두번째 주인공 그레타는 뉴욕의 출판사에서 일하는 편집자로 타비 마톨라라는 유명한 작가의 신작을 맡으면서 직업상 엄청난 전환점을 맞이한다. 세번째 주인공 폴라는 아이티 출신의 남자친구와 함께 살고 있는 젊은 여성으로, 전날 우연히 만난 한 남자의 죽음으로 심한 정신적 충격을 받은 상태다.