Harve Foster

참여 작품

The Fabulous Joe
Milo Terkel's life is never the same after he is willed a dog named Joe. Milo buys his wife a diamond necklace for their anniversary, but when he returns home he finds a note saying she is attending a charity affair. He decides to celebrate alone, taking Joe along for company. After two "mystery gardenias" at the Florida Club, he meets gorgeous Miss Gilmore who spots the necklace and asks to try it on. Milo is punched in the nose by Miss Gilmore's boyfriend, Louie. But Milo's troubles really begin when his dog starts to talk to him, and ONLY to him! He tells Milo to act tough, like Humphrey Bogart. It's a laugh-a-minute as Milo changes from lamb to lion and is innocently caught by his wife with the shapely Miss Gilmore. When his wife sues for divorce he tells the judge about Joe being his advisor. The judge can only suggest that Milo and his wife take a long vacation to work out their problems. Everyone knows a dog simply can't talk!
남부의 노래
부분적으로 만화, 부분적으로는 실사로서 리무스 아저씨 이야기들을 영화화하였다. 쟈니의 불행한 가정생활 부분은 실사로서 처리되었고 리무스 아저씨에 의해 돌보아지는 부분에선 만화로서 Tar-baby, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox 등의 인물들이 등장한다.