Kristo Immanuel

Kristo Immanuel


Kristo Immanuel is an Indonesian internet personality. His signature on social media is a comedy impersonation.

프로필 사진

Kristo Immanuel

참여 작품

Agak Laen
Four friends who set up a haunted house ride at the night market which unfortunately didn't sell, found the body of an old man who had a heart disease and they decided to bury his body in the haunted house and it turned out to be a spooky haunted house that sold well.
가스퍼의 24시간
2032년 인도네시아. 다소 불량한 아마추어 탐정 가스퍼(레자 라하디안)는 정부가 연루된 대량 학살 사건을 수사한다. 그 과정에서 어린 시절 흔적도 없이 사라졌던 친구에 대한 단서를 얻게 되고 인신매매 악당을 추적한다. 하지만 인공심박동기가 망가지는 바람에 24시간밖에 남지 않은 시한부 선고를 받는다. 얼마 남지 않은 시간, 아그네스(쉐니나 시나몬)와 킥(라우라 바수키) 등 친구들의 도움을 받아 복수를 완결하고자 한다.
Star Syndrome
Former singer wants to come back but the music industry has changed.
빅 4
좀처럼 정체를 드러내지 않는 살인범을 추격 중인 원칙주의자 경찰. 경찰과 맞닥뜨린 암살자 4인조는 은퇴 생활을 청산하고 컴백을 선언한다.
5 Langkah Dapatkan Sari
VCD man
Soleh is a shy school security guard who falls in love with Sari, a cleaning service at his school. One day, Soleh got a call from his brother who asked Soleh to come home immediately, brought his future wife because Their mother's condition had worsened. Fortunately, Soleh found a VCD entitled "5 Steps to Get a Girl !!!". From there, the poor Soleh was taught to be a bad boy in 5 steps to get Sari's heart.
Teka-Teki Tika
A happy family whose lives complement each other. While celebrating his wedding anniversary with his family, a rich businessman was suddenly surprised by the appearance of a mysterious woman who claimed to be his biological child, Tika. Until finally the division in the family was inevitable. Behind all that, there is a big secret about Tika's identity.
Susi Susanti: Love All
Soekarno (voice)
Susi Susanti rises to become Indonesia’s beloved athlete. In time of turmoil, she showed her country & the world that heroism is measured by one’s sacrifice.
A Love God that has been kidnapped by a gang of mafia.
Sleep Call
A Ballad of Circumcision
Raden wants to please his father by winning a bicycle race but is forced to get circumcised a few days before the race.