Francesco Thérèse

참여 작품

마릴린의 눈은 검다
Second Assistant Director
정신병원에서 음식을 매개로 뭉친 창의력 넘치는 남녀 한 쌍. 상상 속 식당을 현실로 옮겨 내는데. 과연 치유의 레시피도 찾을 수 있을까?
60 years after the first orbit and 50 years after landing on the Moon, we continue to look at the Cosmos, feeling the abyss and the greatness of ourselves. Since Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were the result of 700 years of oral narrative, B L U E can be summed up as the result of 60 years of oral narrative about our epic journey to the Cosmos.