Tamara Ivanova

참여 작품

Production Design
The story about 40-year-old Vasily, who has been trying to find for more than 20 years happiness in the city. When coming back home to the village, he understands that his already nobody waits and nobody wants it already.
Production Design
She is a healer. A hermit. A Fool-in-God. She is a little over forty years old. She doesn’t disdain alcohol. She can be ridiculous, humiliated, offended. She has long been indifferent about herself. Everybody avoids her and is afraid of her, but secretly at night they all hurry to her home. After all, only she can get rid of their illnesses. For her, this is a damnation, and each time she swears that she won’t help people any more, but each time she is unable to refuse them. She knows that her gift will ruin her some time, but she continues to be the only chance of salvation for people.
1941년, 소련군 ‘미하일 칼라시니코프’는 제2차 세계대전에 T-34의 전차장으로 참전했다가 중상을 입게 된다. 고향으로 돌아가던 중 소련군 총기의 설계 결함으로 독일군에게 다시 한 번 죽다 살아나게 되고, 그는 독일군에 대항할 수 있는 수제 소총을 설계하기로 결심한다. 발명한 무기를 군대에서 사용하기 위해 거쳐야하는 무기경진대회 우승을 위해 소총 개발에 매진하게 되는데...