Ramiro Delgado

참여 작품

Boy meets boy. Almost like any love story - but what happens when you are not only discovering the other person but also yourself? Marco has just separated from his ex-girlfriend and meets Galo, a carefree and pleasant boy who shakes up his world. And the structure. And the thoughts. Because Marco thinks a lot, more than he acts, although his active mind and his hyper-obsessive analysis of everything around him can help him get closer to Galo. Boy gets boy?
누구나 비밀은 있다
마누엘이 커밍아웃을 하고 갈등과 실존적 위기를 겪는 와중에, 그는 그의 부모님의 결혼기념일을 맞아 고향으로 돌아가야 한다. 마누엘은 그가 앞으로 어떻게 살고 싶은지에 대해 가족들과 직면하게 된다.
Los Amigos del Anillo
A conspiracy bromance in quarantine times