Akira Nishio

참여 작품

루팡 3세: 염력진작전
Sound Recordist
사랑하는 여인 후지코를 위해 보석전시관을 털게 된 루팡은 제니가타 경부 앞에 나타나 자수를 한다. 지겐 다이스케로부터 후지코가 거대조직에 의해 납치감금 되었다는 얘기를 전해들은 루팡은 탈옥을 하게 된다.
The Tempters: Smile After Tears
Sound Mixer
Layabout teen Shoken is dissatisfied with his nagging single mother and bullies at school. He and his friends decide to form a cool rock band, but when Shoken learns that his mother is actually his aunt and his parents died, he becomes very agitated and runs away from home.
The Child Writers
Tora-san's Home Run
Sound Recordist
The second Tora-San feature.