페루 안데스산맥 높은 곳에 고대 도시 마추픽추가 있다. 수많은 관문과 통로로 이뤄진, 과거의 환영을 암시하는 잃어버린 도시. 이 도시를 만든 의문의 이들은 누구이며 만든 이유는 무엇일까? 해답은 이 속에 감춰져 있고, 미라 왕들은 그들의 이야기를 들려주길 기다린다. 하지만 이 발견이 마추픽추의 유령들을 마침내 영면에 들게할 수 있을까?
Deep in the Andean mountains lays a mysterious ruin named Machu Picchu. For 400 years it sat abandoned on its misty cliff, the quintessential lost city in the jungle. Rediscovered in 1911, it contained no written records or carvings, nothing that could shed light on its history. For a century since, it has defied the endless scores of visitors and scientists who attempted to understand its purpose. Who were the mysterious people who built it and why did they build it here? Today an international team of archeologists, engineers and scientists are finally piecing together the clues. Together they are discovering astonishing new burials, revealing the intricacies of its ingenious engineering and finally decoding the secrets of Machu Picchu.
Online Editor
We go behind the scenes and into the minds of artists as they capture, commemorate, and, at times, condemn our presidents.
We go behind the scenes and into the minds of artists as they capture, commemorate, and, at times, condemn our presidents.