Salah Benmoussa

참여 작품

Abbas a retired postman, who has spent his life harming people, assuming no responsibility for others, is one day sentenced to death for involvement in a fatal accident. One day before his execution, a ghost visits him in his cell to sign a pact: he will gain freedom for 24 hours and will try to reconcile with all the people for whom he has hurt in the past, if he successful, he will avoid the death penalty. Will Abbass succeed in accomplishing his mission?
The film is a tale of authentic Moroccan heritage, which tells the story of a poor family made up of Father Salem, known as "Zatat", who accompanies and guards commercial convoys from bandits. Due to the intensity of the father's attachment to his three daughters and his fear for them, he stopped working and stayed with them. But one day, he had to travel, the father’s news disappeared, and the three sisters believed that he had perished. Aouisha, the youngest daughter, professes deception to take care of her two sisters, and each time the sovereign "Moulay Abid" confronts her with a holster of the monument, she escapes him because of his excessive intelligence and his insight.
Les Casablancais
A portrait of a large Maghrebian city at the end of the century, Casablanca, through the intersecting paths of three characters: a bookseller who receives unexpected correspondence that forces him to question himself; a young teacher whose application for a passport triggers an absurd official investigation; and finally, a student who, due to a misunderstanding with his fundamentalist teacher, becomes the object of a manipulation with tragic consequences.
더 바이블 - 다윗
Sauls Diener
하나님은 이스라엘 민족을 탄압에서 구하기 위해 사울을 보내지만, 마음이 약해진 사울은 악령에 들린다. 결국 그를 대신해 왕으로 보내진 다윗. 이스라엘을 탄압하는 블레셋의 장수 골리앗을 죽인 다윗이 이스라엘 민족에게 신임을 얻게 되자 사울은 질투에 못이겨 그를 죽이려 한다. 전투에서 사울이 목숨을 잃고 다윗은 결국 이스라엘 민족의 왕이 된다. 하지만 다른 사람의 아내를 빼앗은 다윗은 하나님의 노여움을 사게 되는데...
삼손과 데릴라
Mara and Manoa are both upstanding and religious Israelites living under the harsh and unjust rule of the Philistines. One day, a mysterious stranger appears to Mara and promises her that she will bear a son whom she is to call Samson.
Sun of the Hyenas
Directed by Ridha Behi.