Carmen Baquero

Carmen Baquero

프로필 사진

Carmen Baquero

참여 작품

천사들이 잠든 밤
Operadora 112
끔찍하게 피곤한 하루. 딸의 생일이라 서둘러 가던 그는 졸음운전을 하다 한 여자를 치고 만다. 그 장면을 목격한 여자의 친구는 오해를 하고, 길고 긴 밤이 시작된다.
A Happy Woman
Ana leads a very happy life but one day, she begins to suffer strange and inexplicable diseases that will change her entire world...
Fourth Session
Dependienta Rent-a-car
Carol is a reporter who suffers a strange phenomenon that causes her to not suffer from fear of anything. She works doing stories in places where it is rumored that there is paranormal activity, with the intention of debunking such rumors or discovering the irrefutable proof of something supernatural.