Mormon Immigrant (uncredited)
"The Work and The Glory: American Zion" sets the story of the fictional Steed family against the historically factual backdrop of the Mormon people's move into the West. Divided by their diverse reactions to a nascent ideology, the Steeds struggle to hold together as the strength of their convictions and their filial bonds are tested. The stirring narrative of the faith that led a persecuted people to Missouri and beyond is one of the most poignant untold tales of American history. It is the account of a valiant struggle to exercise the rights promised by a fledgling nation. "The Work and the Glory: American Zion" unearths the story of the passion behind the movement which eventually launched the largest American migration and the colonization of the West: the vision of a promised land in America.
Union / Confederate Soldier
군복을 입은 흑인포로는 무조건 총살당해야만 했던 미국의 남북전쟁 당시 전사한 70만명의 병사들 중 흑인 병사들 또한 많은 수를 차지한다. 최초로 흑인들로만 구성된 부대와 그 부대의 지휘를 맡은 백인 훈련관 쇼(매튜 브로데릭)는 미 국회의 승인도 얻지 못한 채 전투에 참가한다. 이들은 무지와 인종차별의 장벽을 헤치고 싸우는데...