Carlota González-Adrio

Carlota González-Adrio

프로필 사진

Carlota González-Adrio

참여 작품

Si mai no ens haguéssim separat
Manel and Judit broke up three months ago, but they set a date to spend together a last ski weekend.
The House Among the Cactuses
The island of Gran Canaria. At the end of the 70s. Rosa and Emilio live with their five daughters, isolated from the world in the middle of a valley. In this wild place, they lead an alternative, harmonious life, until the appearance of a lost hiker, who they agree to help. This occurrence, very much out of the ordinary for the family, will lead to an extreme and hostile situation and will reveal the suffocating, dark nature of the house among the cactuses and its inhabitants.
Summer Solstice