Colin Friels

Colin Friels

출생 : 1952-09-25, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

프로필 사진

Colin Friels

참여 작품

Frank Collins
훔친 핵미사일 16기로 미국을 공격하려는 테러리스트들. 한 장교가 이들을 상대로 외딴 미사일 요격 기지에서 목숨을 건 전투를 벌인다.
Mick Corby
A 27-year-old beauty school dropout, Schapelle, was arrested at Bali airport with 4.2kg of marijuana. At first, her arrest was barely noticed by the media, but it soon sparked a frenzy and attracted a frantic cast of characters.
Seventeen talented Australian directors from diverse artistic disciplines each create a chapter of the hauntingly beautiful novel by multi award-winning author Tim Winton. The linking and overlapping stories explore the extraordinary turning points in ordinary people’s lives in a stunning portrait of a small coastal community. As characters face second thoughts and regret, relationships irretrievably alter, resolves are made or broken, and lives change direction forever.
Jack Irish: Bad Debts
Garth Bruce
Jack Irish is a man getting his life back together again. A former criminal lawyer whose world imploded, he now spends his days as a part-time investigator, debt collector, apprentice cabinet maker, punter and sometime lover - the complete man really. Jack is an expert in finding those who don't want to be found - dead or alive. He helps out his mates while avoiding the past. That is until the past finds him.
Justice Moynihan
Mabo tells the story of one of Australia's national heroes - Eddie Koiki Mabo, the Torres Strait Islander who left school at age 15, yet spearheaded the High Court challenge that overthrew the fiction of terra nullius.
아이 오브 더 스톰
Athol Shreve
센테니얼 파크, 상류층 가문의 엘리자베스 헌터(샬롯 램플링 분)는 죽음을 눈앞에 두고 있다. 그녀는 상류층 사람이라면 언제든 자기가 죽고 싶을 때 죽을 수 있다는 강한 믿음을 가지고 있다. 그녀를 정성껏 보살피는 두 명의 간호사와 가정부, 그녀의 유언장을 책임질 변호사, 그리고 양아들 바질 헌터(제프리 러쉬 분)와 친딸 도로시 헌터(주디 데이비스 분). 그녀의 다가오는 죽음에 그들이 센테니얼 파크로 하나 둘 소집된다. 엘리자베스의 값 비싼 물건을 탐내는 간호사와 가정부. 그녀를 요양원으로 보내려하는 두 남매 '바질’과 '도로시’. 탐욕 때문에 '바질’을 유혹하는 간호사 플로라, 그녀와 변호사 '와이버드’의 과거, 그리고 친딸 도로시와 어머니의 지난 과거까지… 그녀를 둘러싼 복잡한 상황은 마치 폭풍의 눈처럼 요란한 주위의 상황 속에 고요하지만 강렬한 힘을 감추고 있는데…
A Heartbeat Away
Mayor Riddick
A young aspiring rock guitarist is forced to become the musical director of the local marching band when his father is hit by a bus just four weeks before a major competition.
맷칭 잭
Professor Nelson
별 걱정 없이 아들 잭을 키우고 있는 마리사와 데이빗. 하지만 아들 잭은 백혈병으로 판별되어 입원한다. 그들의 옆에는 다른 환자인 핀과 코너가 있다. 병실에서 침상을 개조해 배처럼 만들어 노는 등 유별난 부자 관계에 마리사는 거부감을 느끼지만 점점 그들과 함께 사랑하는 사람을 잃어간다는 것에 동감하며 친해진다. 한편, 남편 데이빗의 여성편력과 바람을 알게된 마리사는 분노하지만 혹시나 그로 인해 생긴 아이들이 잭에게 골수 기증을 해줄 수 있지 않을까 하여 그녀들을 하나씩 만나본다. (관바)
워 오브 투모로우
Dr. Clements
어느 날, 8명의 절친한 친구들이 깊은 산 속 계곡으로 캠핑을 떠난다. 아름다운 자연에 동화되어 즐거운 시간을 보낸 이들이 하나 둘 잠에 들 무렵, 갑작스런 비행기 소리로 주변이 시끄러워지자 뭔가 심상치 않은 일이 일어나고 있음을 직감한다. 다음 날 아침, 캠핑지에서 가장 가까운 ‘엘리(캐이틀린 스테이시)’와 ‘호머(데이즈 액데니즈)’의 집에 차례로 찾아간 이들이 보게 된 것은 이미 가족 모두가 사라진 텅 비어 있는 집과 키우던 강아지가 죽어 있는 모습뿐이다. 점점 더 불안감에 휩싸인 친구들은 마을이 훤히 내려다 보이는 언덕에 올라가 마을의 전경을 살피던 중 광장에 모여 있는 마을 사람들이 군인들에게 통제되고 있는 장면을 목격하게 되고, 주변 국가들이 자원 침탈을 위해 불법으로 자신들의 국가에 침공해 온 사실을 알게 된다. 이제 남은 8명의 친구들에게 남겨진 것은 자신들의 국가를 불법으로 침공한 군대의 막강한 힘에 맞서 싸울지, 아니면 가족을 뒤로 한 채 도망칠지를 결정하는 일뿐인데...
Blind Company
Geoff Brewster
Geoff Brewster has retreated to the family’s isolated, coastal shack to die in peace. He is also going blind. Geoff spends his days walking on the beach and leaving tape-recorded confessions to his estranged wife, Sally. But Geoff’s solitude is interrupted when his Porsche driving nephew, Josh, turns up and decides to stay. Tension fills the shack as Josh’s strange behaviour sets Geoff on edge and when Sally arrives for her weekly cleaning, the shack is ready to explode. Sally encourages Geoff to audition for an amateur production of Hamlet and Geoff takes to Hamlet like Olivier. But Geoff goes totally blind. The arrival of two strangers bearing the ashes of one of Geoff’s lovers sets Geoff and Josh on a collision course that threatens to destroy the both of them. Blind Company was adapted from Austin Pendleton's stage production Uncle Bob, that was set in New York. Quite the difference in location from Tasmania.
The Informant
Doug Lamont (as Colin Friel)
McInnes plays a suburban dad who works as a police informant for a federal investigative agency. The character’s background is shrouded in mystery, with intelligence officers seeking to uncover the truth about his past by working with him.
Australia: Land of Parrots
Discover the beauty, brilliance and behaviour of Australia's most conspicuous birds - parrots and cockatoos in Australia: Land of Parrots. Multi-award winning, natural history filmmakers David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook have turned their cameras to the sky to capture the spirit of these dazzling birds with breathtaking results - including rare and never before seen footage - all shot in HD.
BlackJack: Ghosts
Jack Kempson
Nearly 20 years ago a young mother was shot during an apparent kidnapping and subsequent police chase. Now after all that time, the man in jail for the murder is about to be paroled. Jack has two missions - to bring the father and his daughter back together and to find out if any justice has been done by the conviction.
BlackJack: At the Gates
Jack Kempson
Ten years ago, a baby was killed in a house arson fire after a violent home invasion. The parents used the tragedy as a motivation to help build an evangelical community church but now the mother has comes to Jack for help. Jack agrees to look into the still unsolved crime but in looking for the truth Jack will have to fight the system and his own conscience to uncover a tangled web of lies and deception. In the end, Jack must decide if the truth should prevail over the interests of the innocent.
BlackJack: Dead Memory
Jack Kempson
A young woman goes missing when her car breaks down one rainy night. Her body is later discovered in a national park and for Detective Jack Kempson's offsider Sam, details of the crime mirror the disappearance of her friend Hannah, who vanished without trace some years ago. In Kempson's pursuit of the truth Sam is forced to face the sordid secrets of her past.
BlackJack: Ace Point Game
Jack Kempson
After wearing a wire to catch a dirty colleague selling confiscated drugs, detective Jack Kempson is hated by his colleagues. He also gets 'promoted away' to the basement, where old files get transferred to the national computer database. Thus he comes across fingerprints, now identifiable, in the 30 year old case of Ashley, the kidnapped son of lottery winners. Although he's too late to help him now, he tracks the perpetrators down behind his boss's back.
북 오브 레버레이션
최고의 전성기를 누리고 있는 댄서 다니엘은 어느 날 알 수 없는 세 명의 여인에게 둘러 싸이면서 정신을 잃고 납치당한다. 그리고 깨어나자마자 알몸으로 사지가 묶여있는 자신을 발견하고는 극심한 수치심과 정신적 충격에 휩싸인다.
Jack Barrett
Jack Barrett is the type of guy no one calls Jack. He works for a group of businessmen known as "The Gentlemen" who operate within the fertile realm of the Sydney Underworld. Standover tactics, prostitution, illegal gambling, creative importation - you name it, "The Gentlemen" are into it. And Barrett enforces it for them. Old school muscle for hire. Now 53 years old, he's tired of having to throw away perfectly good suits because you can't dry-clean the blood off. He needs to get out of Sydney. Out of the game. Which is, of course, easier said than done.
BlackJack: In the Money
Jack Kempson
Jack discovers that a man jailed for matricide could be innocent and the killer could still be close to home. Did Jack's own father-in-law have some part to play in the mystery?
The Illustrated Family Doctor
Ray Gill
Gary Kelp (Samuel Johnson) is losing the plot. As he edits a medical journal called The Illustrated Family Doctor, his life and his body seem to be falling apart. A black comedy about coping with the modern world, based on the novel by David Snell.
BlackJack: Sweet Science
Jack Kempson
Jack investigates a gangland execution at a children’s football game twelve years ago.
Tom White
Tom White
Tom White is an architect who chooses to become homeless despite an seemingly otherwise successful life. However, it soon becomes clear that not everything is as it appears at work. Tom chooses a different path and cuts ties with his normal life.
The Mystery of Natalie Wood
Nick Gurdin
Uses accounts from family, friends, and acquaintances to tell the story of Natalie Wood and how she started young, acting in the spotlight, making the transition from a childhood actress to serious actress, dating the top names in Hollywood, her life and marriage to her husband, Robert Wagner,and her biggest fear that ended up being the cause of her death
Jack Kempson
Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.
흑과 백
Father Tom Dixon
1958년 크리스마스, 평화롭기만 하던 애들레이드에서 끔찍한 살인사건이 발생하고 맥스 스튜어트는 9살 소녀를 강간 및 살해한 혐의로 체포된다. 이 사건을 맡은 젊은 변호사 데이빗 오설리반과 그의 파트너 헬렌은 사건을 조사하던 중 맥스가 지역 경찰에 의해 누명을 쓰게 된 것이라는 확신을 갖게 되고, 경찰 배후에 국왕 검찰관이 있다는 사실을 발견한다. 그리고 이들은 보수적이고 폐쇄적인 상류 사회에 대항해 무망한 싸움을 시작한다. 영화의 대부분 장면은 사건이 실제 벌어졌던 장소에서 촬영이 되었으며, 에 출연하여 깊은 인상을 남겼던 ‘로버트 칼라일’이 데이빗 오설리반으로 출연한다.
Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story
George Temple
As America struggled through the Great Depression in the 1930s, a little girl with big dimples and indescribable charm danced her way into the hearts of moviegoers around the world.
My Husband, My Killer
Bob Inkster
Based on the true story of an Australian woman that was murdered in bed next to her husband.
The Man Who Sued God
David Myers
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
The Farm
Tom Cooper
After the death of his father, Tom Cooper want to modernise the family farm, and borrows a lot of money. When disaster strikes, the loan cannot be repaid.
다크 시티
Det. Eddie Walenski
브랜든 리의 유작 [크로우]에서 독특한 시각스타일을 보여줬던 알렉스 프로야스가 4년간의 침묵 끝에 내놓은 신작. 윌리엄 허트, 제니퍼 코넬리, 키퍼 서덜런드 등이 출연하며 미국 개봉시 평단의 찬사를 받았다. 기억상실증에 걸려 과연 자신이 누구인지조차 알 수 없는 주인공 자기 소지품에 나타난 행적을 쫓기 시작한다. 아내, 심리학자, 형사 등을 만나면서 그는 조금씩 기억을 되찾고 이 도시의 끔찍한 비밀을 깨닫는다.
Mr Reliable
Wally Mellish
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
Lewis, a young amateur theater director, is offered a job with a governmental program for the rehabilitation of mentally ill patients in a Sydney institution. His project is overrun by one of the patients who wants to stage the opera Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart despite the fact that none of the patients are able to sing and none of them speak Italian. A comedy of errors ensues, but one which unifies the patients and their director in unexpected ways.
Back of Beyond
A garage mechanic out in the middle of the outback gets involved with the girl friend of a jewel smuggler who is on the run.
엔젤 베이비
Morris Goodman
해리(Harry: 존 린치 분)는 유머감각도 있고 다정다감하지만 정신 질환 때문에 정상적인 생활을 하지 못한다. 어느 날 정신 치료를 받으러 간 의료 센터에서 그는 편집증 증세에 시달리고 있는 케이트(Kate: 재클린 맥켄지 분)를 만나게 되고 첫눈에 사랑에 빠진다. 집요하게 구애하는 해리에게 케이트 역시 사랑을 느끼게 되고 둘은 가정을 이루기로 한다. 그러나 막상 케이트가 임신하게 되자 주변에서는 너무 위험한 일이라고 거세게 반대를 한다. 하지만 그들은 뱃속에 있는 아기를 위해 주변의 반대를 무릅쓰고 어려운 선택을 한다.
아프리카의 좋은 사람
Morgan Leafy, 1st Secretary of the High Commissioner
Morgan Leafy is a secretary to the British High Commissioner to an Africa nation. Leafy is a man that makes himself useful to his boss, the snobbish Arthur Fanshawe, who has no clue about what's going on around him, but who wants to use his secretary to carry on his dirty work, which involves getting one of the most powerful men in the country to do business with his country.The young secretary has an eye for beautiful women around him, especially Hazel, a native beauty, with whom he is having an affair. Things get complicated because Sam Adekunle, a man running for president of the country, wants a favor from Leafy in return after he has accepted the invitation to visit London. The proposition involves swaying a prominent doctor's opposition to a plan that will make Adenkule filthy rich.
The Nostradamus Kid
American Preacher
The spiritual and sexual coming of age of a Seventh-Day Adventist boy in 1950s Australia. Ken Elkin is a "randy young man" who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal Ken wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.
John Anderson
Young John Anderson is captivated by jazz musician, Billy Cross when he performs on the remote airstrip of his Western Australian outback hometown after his plane is diverted. Years later, now a family man and making a meagre living tracking dingoes and playing trumpet in a local band, John still dreams of joining Billy on trumpet and makes a pilgrimage to Paris.
집단 소송
Michael Grazier
제데다이어 워드(Jedediah Tucker Ward: 진 핵크만 분)는 정의감에 투철한 변호사로 늘 약자의 편에 서서 사건을 변호한다. 그에겐 외동딸 매기(Maggie Ward: 매리 엘리자베스 매스트란토니오 분)가 있는데, 그녀는 13살 때에 자기 아버지가 엄마의 친구인 동시에 자신의 우상이었던 앨리스 칩스와 깊은 관계인 것을 알고는 큰 충격을 받고 아버지에 대한 적개심을 갖게 된다. 그후 그녀는 사사건건 아버지와 충돌하며, 또 한편으로는 아버지에게 자신을 증명하고 인정받고자 하는 욕구 때문에 법률을 공부하여 아버지와 같은 변호사의 길을 걷게 된다. 매기는 대형 법률사무소인 퀸 켈리펀사에 입사하고 거기서 자신의 상관 마이클(Michael Grazier: 콜린 프릴스 분)과 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 어느날 그녀는 퀸 캘리펀의 주고객인 아고 자동차에 집단 소송이 걸린 걸 알게 된다. 원고측 변호사는 자신의 아버지인 제데다이어이다. 승진이 걸린 큰 사건임을 안 매기는 엄마의 만류를 무릅쓰고 그 사건을 맡는다. 부녀 사이가 좋지 않은 것을 늘 걱정해오던 에스텔(Estelle Ward: 조안나 머릴 분)은 부녀가 서로 싸우는 재판을 방청한 후 법정을 나오다가 쓰러지는데...
Weekend with Kate
Richard Muir
This breezy sex comedy follows ex-journalist turned rock promoter Richard Muir (Colin Friel), who is pulled in two different directions by the women in his life -- his vivacious wife, Catherine (Catherine McClements), who wants to have a baby -- and Carla (Helen Mutkins), his ambitious mistress, who wants to have Richard.
Louis Strack Jr.
인공 피부를 연구하는 과학자 페이턴 웨스트레이크(Peyton Westlake/Darkman: 리암 니슨 분)가, 단지 미모의 여 변호사를 애인으로 두었다는 죄로, 도시의 사악한 부동산 개발업자의 하수인들의 공격을 받는다. 페이턴의 애인인 변호사 줄리(Julie Hastings: 프란시스 맥도맨드 분)가 부동산개발업자 스트랙(Louis Strack Jr.: 콜린 프리엘스 분)의 뇌물공여 기록을 발견하여 그 문서를 페이턴의 연구실에 두고 간 것이 화근이었다. 스트랙의 부하 듀랜트(Robert G. Durant: 래리 드레이크 분)가 장치하고 간 폭탄이 터질 때 온몸에, 특히 얼굴과 손에 심한 화상을 입고 하늘로 날아가 강물에 빠진 페이턴은, 세상에는 한 쪽 귓볼만 남기고 타 죽은 것으로 알려진 채, 혼수상태로 한 병원 중화상환자 병동에서 통증 제거 수술을 받는다. 신체의 감각을 뇌로 전달하는 신경 줄인 척수시상로를 절단하는 수술을 받아, 아무런 외부감각도 느끼지 못하는 존재가 된 그는 이제 엄청난 수술 부작용에 시달려야 할 운명이다. 외부감각의 유입이 차단되면 뇌 속에 본래 들어있는 자극인 감정만이 증폭되므로, 그 결과 어떤 감정이 발동하는 순간 아드레날린이 대량 분비되면서 그는 각력한 감정의 소용돌이와 함께 괴력을 발휘하는 인간으로 돌변하는 것이다. 그런 괴력발휘의 순간에 몸을 묶은 끈을 끊고 병원을 탈출한 그는 잿더미로 변한 연구실로 돌아와 자신의 외모가 얼마나 추악해졌는지를 확인한다. 낮에는 도저히 나다니지 못하고 오직 어둠의 베일이 흉측한 몰골을 가려줄 때나 활동할 수 있는 형편인 그는, 스스로를 저주받은 어둠의 인간이라 생각하면서도 사랑하는 줄리를 잊지 못해 혼자 애태운다.
환상의 살인
Tom Stewart
A schoolteacher (John Waters) becomes obsessed with the idea that his wife (Joy Bell) did not die in a car accident, as everyone else thinks.
Ground Zero
Harvey Denton
A second generation cameraman in Australia finds evidence that his father had filmed a nuclear test that allowed aboriginies to be exposed to and killed by radiation. He begins a search for a secret that if true, his government has already killed people to keep quiet.
High Tide
A rock'n roll singer gets stranded in a small Australian town after losing her job in a band. She winds up in a trailer park only to encounter, by accident, the teenage daughter she deserted following her husband's death.
Warm Nights on a Slow Moving Train
A convent teacher spreads a little happiness and makes enough money to support her crippled brother's habit by selling her favours regularly on a cross-country night sleeper. She makes sure she is in control of each encounter until one client reaches her more than she expects.
Richard Somers
A mild-mannered English conscientious objector moves to what he feels will be the relative calm of Australia after World War I, but gets caught in the middle of violent battles between the rising trade unions and fascist groups.
Malcolm Hughes
Malcolm is a chronically shy mechanical genius, who has just been fired for building his own tram. He gets Frank, who has just been released from jail, to move in to help pay the bills and, with Frank's help, Malcom turns to a life of crime.
The Man in the Iron Mask
Teenage boy from a small village learns that he is in fact the secret twin brother of the current corrupt king of France. The four musketeers ask him to replace the king, but in a way that no one finds out about the switch. Burbank Films Australia animated release.
The Coolangatta Gold
Adam Lucas
Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother's shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father's desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise along the golden arc of beach to Coolangatta and back to the start. The Coolangatta Gold is a story of human endeavor and endurance against overwhelming odds.
Mike and Johnny are two mates who are mining sapphires in Emerald. Another bloke is trying to move in on their claim and things get ugly
Monkey Grip
Nora is a single mother who wants to live the life of an artist, as do her friends -- a group of Melbourne writers, actors and musicians. But when she's drawn into a passionate affair with a heroin addict, Nora struggles to maintain control of her life.
Hoodwink is based on the true story of an Australian con artist who briefly won the hearts of the media (if not the authorities). John Hargreaves stars as a criminal serving time in a New South Wales prison. He's not partial to the physical labor required of the convicts, so he hits upon a labor-saving plan. Hargreaves pretends to be totally blind, thus lightening his work load....and carries off the hoax for years.