Director of Photography
A stark look at one of Hollywood's darkest mysteries, The Black Dalia (Elizabeth Short) Murder.
Director of Photography
A man, crippled in an accident, returns to the woods after rehabilitation, certain that he'll not see Bigfoot again.
A group of people decide to be a part of a reality television show based around a treasure hunt on an island. Whichever contestant is lucky wins the ultimate prize. Unbeknownst to the contestants, an ancient curse from the ghostly pirate Red Beard exists on the island. They unwittingly unleash the curse which results in a bloodbath.
Three 6 Mafia's followup to the highly successful street movie Choices 1. After a heist goes wrong for two Memphis hustlers (DJ Paul and Juicy), they find themselves behind bars. Two crooked DEA agents offer freedom on the condition that they do a job for them. Juicy and Paul are forced to make a choice: stay locked up or get caught up. Set against the gritty backdrop of Memphis this film takes Juicy and Paul from the gutter to ballin' and back again.
A group of college girls go to Mardi Gras but as some of them start to go missing one by one, the remaining girls begin to suspect the handiwork of a dangerous voodoo cult.
In this true-crime documentary, we delve into the murder spree that was the inspiration for Joe Berlinger's "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2".
A film archivist revisits the story of Rustin Parr, a hermit thought to have murdered seven children while under the possession of the Blair Witch.
Director of Photography
Growing up in small-town America, two friends dream about escaping their confining families to search for their dreams and freedom in the big city. Arriving in Los Angeles, the two discover the harsh realities of the city as they enter the shadowy world of the film business. Ultimately, the two friends must choose between love and friendship and soon discover that life has its own destiny for everyone.
Director of Photography
1994년 10월 21일, 세 명의 영화학도 헤더 도나휴, 죠슈 레오나드, 마이클 C. 윌리암스 는 메릴랜드의 블랙힐 숲 속으로 떠난다. 이들의 과제는 200 여년 동안 전해내려 온 블레어 윗치 전설에 얽힌 진실을 다큐멘터리로 제작하는 것. 하지만 16미리 필름과 비디오 카메라, 그리고 녹음기와 메모지를 들고 숲 속으로 들어갔던 그들은 흔적도 없이 사라진다. 1년 후, 블랙 힐 숲에서 발견된 것은 그들이 직접 찍었던 필름 뿐. ‘블레어 윗치’는 메릴렌드주 블레어라 불리는 깊은 숲속 지역에서 발생된 어린이 대량학살의 원인으로 불리는 초자연적 유령에 대한 시골 전설로서, 이들 3명은 이것을 다큐멘타리로 기록하기 위해 블렉 힐 이라는 숲 속으로 들어간 후 자취를 감춘다. 팀의 주장이라 할 수 있는 헤더는 8mm 비디오로 상세한 여정을 기록하고자 항상 찍어대고 조슈아는 흑백 16미리 촬영을, 마이크는 음향 녹음을 담당하여 깊은 숲속으로 나침반과 지도만을 따라 들어가는데...
A young junkie emerges half dead out of a toxic river not knowing where he is or how he got there. His name is Hunter, and he can't possibly imagine the nightmarish reality he is about to face...and why. The landscape is a diseased post-apocalyptic Los Angeles populated by cannibalistic mutants, heavily armed survivalists and a terror-stricken citizenry that dares not wander the streets at night. This literal "hell on Earth" is controlled by Vincent, a genocidal madman who is even worse than he seems...a monstrous, ages-old vampire that has transformed the city into a human blood-farm and slaughterhouse. As Hunter battles to stay alive amidst the homicidal carnage and bloody spectacle of daily life, nothing could prepare him for his encounter with Vincent, the terrifying truth of his own existence, and a vampiric journey of lust, power and addiction that can only lead to utter horror and annihilation!