Mahogany Andrews
Mahogany Andrews appears to be in the fight for her life as she is battling Tony Hawkins for custody of their daughter, Rachel. However, another fight is beginning to ensue as Cassie Pearson is doing whatever it takes to keep her entire family, which includes Mahogany, together and Khalil Pearson is battling internally to figure out what he truly wants and needs out of life and his marriage.
Mahogany Andrews
Mahogany Andrews finds herself in what appears to be an unconventional relationship with Khalil Pearson and his wife, Cassie. While they are working through the complications of being a "trouple", they also have to endure the questions from their children and the judgments from outside forces which include family and friends while trying to maintain the family unity inside their own home.
Lady in Church
성공 가도를 달리고 있는 남편 ‘토니’, 사랑스러운 딸 ‘대니엘’과 함께 남부럽지 않은 삶을 살고 있는 부동산 중개업자 ‘엘리자베스’ 겉보기엔 완벽해 보이지만 위태로운 결혼생활을 이어가던 그녀는, 새로운 고객 ‘클라라’ 부인으로부터 하나님 말씀으로 진짜 적에게 맞서는 법과 함께 ‘기도에도 전략이 필요하다’는 특별한 조언을 받게 되는데… 용서와 치유, 사랑으로 나아가는 기도의 힘!