Jack Sterner

참여 작품

Or We Die Trying
Three high schoolers investigate the disappearance of a fellow student, Aubrey. She was last seen entering the abandoned back hallways of their school, Asher Academies. There is a legend that the founder of the school, Asher Neal, died in the back halls and now his ghost haunts that half of the school, but no one believes that. However, as the team continues to investigate Aubrey's disappearance, the presence of a ghost seems more and more real.
Or We Die Trying
Mr. Craven
Three high schoolers investigate the disappearance of a fellow student, Aubrey. She was last seen entering the abandoned back hallways of their school, Asher Academies. There is a legend that the founder of the school, Asher Neal, died in the back halls and now his ghost haunts that half of the school, but no one believes that. However, as the team continues to investigate Aubrey's disappearance, the presence of a ghost seems more and more real.
Ethan Harrison
고등학교 역사 교사이자 농구팀 코치인 ‘존 해리슨’은 갑작스럽게 자신이 맡고 있는 농구팀이 해체 되면서 원치 않게 크로스컨트리 육상 코치직을 맡게 된다. 학생 중 누구도 크로스컨트리에 관심을 갖지 않는 가운데, 유일하게 지원서를 낸 학생은 천식을 앓고 있는 ‘해나 스콧’뿐. 마지못해 ‘해나 스콧’과 연습을 이어가게 된 ‘존 해리슨’은 그녀가 육상 선수로서 기량을 발휘할 수 있도록 진심을 다해 가르치게 되고, 그러던 중 병원에서 우연히 알게 된 남자가 ‘해나 스콧’의 아버지라는 사실을 알게 된다. 죽은 줄로만 알았던 아버지의 등장에 혼란스러워 하는 ‘해나 스콧’. 이러한 가운데 크로스컨트리 주 챔피언십 대회에 참가하게 되는데…