Ashley Fell

참여 작품

El Nidal
After the first failed attempt of brewing mezcal, and later craft fermenting wine, Marcelo Castro and his family became the perfect hosts of the good drinking with their products, made at El Nidal, an ecoturistic project located on the west of La sierra de San Felipe, nowadays considered “a must” stop on the wine route in Guanajuato. Dedicated also with the local gastronomy, their open cousine offers unique traditional plates of the region.
Heritage From The Kitchen
Casa Mercedes is considered the best avant-garde restaurant in Guanajuato, where the inheritance dishes are prepared by hand and by the same owners, the Cárdenas family whose priority is to please palates through the recipes with which they grew up.
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Set Decoration
In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts of these four young men are unknown, remaining only fragments of their recordings.