Alice Godart

참여 작품

여덟 개의 산
Assistant Editor
여덟 개의 산과 바다를 여행하는 자와, 태산의 정상에 오른 자 중에 누가 더 큰 깨달음을 얻었을까? 멀리 네팔을 떠도는 피에트로는, 후자의 삶을 갈망했던 아버지와 산의 무게를 껴안은 친구 브루노의 삶을 생각한다.
여덟 개의 산
Additional Editor
여덟 개의 산과 바다를 여행하는 자와, 태산의 정상에 오른 자 중에 누가 더 큰 깨달음을 얻었을까? 멀리 네팔을 떠도는 피에트로는, 후자의 삶을 갈망했던 아버지와 산의 무게를 껴안은 친구 브루노의 삶을 생각한다.
The Dragon With Two Heads
Sound Editor
To escape the homophobic reality of their homeland, two Brazilian twin brothers are now living in Europe. The first brother has a perfectly legal status in Brussels, the second is an illegal immigrant and lives like a ghost in the German capital. Set during the 2018 Brazilian elections, the brothers' anguish about the future of their country under the rise of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro deepens when one of the twins is involved in an accident.
The Dragon With Two Heads
To escape the homophobic reality of their homeland, two Brazilian twin brothers are now living in Europe. The first brother has a perfectly legal status in Brussels, the second is an illegal immigrant and lives like a ghost in the German capital. Set during the 2018 Brazilian elections, the brothers' anguish about the future of their country under the rise of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro deepens when one of the twins is involved in an accident.
The Protagonist
The Protagonist, going by her first name, is presented to us in her natural environment: a jungle often sadly devoid of density. But today, she’s had enough! Being the mother, the secretary, the lover, the nanny, the sex interest of the main male character is no longer enough for our dear Protagonist. Put on “mute” after having used up the speaking time allotted to the female* characters of a film, she runs away with her buddy Voice Over, starting out on a new journey. All in good fun.