Grzegorz Paprzycki

참여 작품

Moj Kraj Taki Piekny
A portrait of a Poland where two forces collide, representing completely different world views: the leftist perspective versus a homogenized Poland built by the extreme right. Between these ideologies stand people who fight in the name of their values and principles and a great divergence: Nationalism.
People Talk
A metaphorical tale. Rumour has it there is an old man living in a forest, alone but with a great fortune earned in Africa. Having overheard the gossips, two Roma boys decide to verify the story. One of them has a premonition that the trip may not end well.
People Talk
A metaphorical tale. Rumour has it there is an old man living in a forest, alone but with a great fortune earned in Africa. Having overheard the gossips, two Roma boys decide to verify the story. One of them has a premonition that the trip may not end well.
People Talk
A metaphorical tale. Rumour has it there is an old man living in a forest, alone but with a great fortune earned in Africa. Having overheard the gossips, two Roma boys decide to verify the story. One of them has a premonition that the trip may not end well.