Director of Photography
Void, elegiac images - a story and loving and dying: A journey entrusts itself to the viewer's ability to associate and creates a collision of melancholy, softly red-filtered vacation images with an (apparently) totally unrelated story.
Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins. The introduction is made through early allegorical forms and figures (triumphal procession, dance of death, Baroque tragedy etc.) The triumphal procession of the giant haystack as a symbol of human vanities becomes a military parade of abrupt, functional and arrogant gestures. The most diverse musical fragments and rhythms intone the montage of details in the staged triumphal procession, juxtaposed with documentary images, including marches, ticker-tape parades and military review.
A collage of scenes that shows carnivalesque figures in industrial (waste) landscapes, with ceremonies taking place
A young woman is fed up with the usual consumer's television and begins to make her own television, or more correctly, closevision. She is now a reporter who wanders around Berlin with her camera and 'telecasting apparatus' on her back. Her livingroom has been transformed into a studio and here the different programs are assembled and aired: statements, interviews, realistic and phantastic programs.
버지니아 울프의 소설 『올란도』와 토드 브라우닝의 영화 에서 착안한 울리케 오팅거 감독의 시간여행 판타지. 남성과 여성을 오가는 여행자 주인공은 다섯 개의 무대를 관통하며 세계의 역사를 이야기한다. 중세 스페인의 종교 재판, 유랑 극단, 그리스 신화, 기형 인간, 카니발리즘적 이야기들은 퀴어적 관점에서 인간의 신체라는 한계를 극복하려 한다. (2019년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 독일 SF 특별전 - 미래는 어떻게 만들어지는가?)