Sound Recordist
Sailing Along is a 1938 British musical comedy film directed by Sonnie Hale and starring Jessie Matthews, Barry MacKay, Jack Whiting, Frank Pettingell, Noel Madison and Alastair Sim. A barge-owner's adopted daughter falls in love with his son, and gives up her chances of stardom to be with him
Sound Recordist
인기 상승의 젊은 여배우가 해안에서 시체로 발견된다. 이를 발견한 로버트 티스달은 구조를 청하기 위해 뛰어가는데, 해변에 놀러왔던 두 여자가 그를 보고 살인을 저지른 후, 달아나는 것으로 오인한다. 로버트는 경찰의 심문을 받게 되고, 정황적인 증거에 의해 살인 혐의를 받는다. 그는 결백함을 증명하고자 법원에서 도망쳐 실제 범인을 추적하는데, 도중에 에리카라는 여자의 도움을 받게 된다. 에리카는 경찰국장의 딸이지만, 순진한 청년 로버트를 믿고, 그의 결백함을 증명하고 진짜 살인범을 잡기 위한 동행길에 오르게 되는데...
Sound Recordist
A young woman finds herself as the intended victim of a murder plot on a transatlantic flight from London to New York.
Sound Recordist
Newspaper reporter becomes involved with gang of crooks who take her for a tough American gangster.
Sound Recordist
Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...
Sound Recordist
Loosely based on the story of the singer Nellie Melba...
An Earl loves a girl who models for shop window dummies.
An elderly couple reminisce about the romantic adventures of their youth.