갑자기 생겨난 신적 능력이 당혹스러운 유다. 고대로부터 내려오는 막강한 악의 세력에 맞서 끝없는 싸움을 벌이면서, 전설의 존재들과 충돌한다. 과연 유다는 자신의 세계를 지켜낼 수 있을까?
On Digi’s birthday, an unemployed Father prepares all the ingredients to make Digi’s favorite food, noodles. With an online video tutorial, Father cooked noodles with the help of Digi. At night, Mom brings a birthday gift in the form of spaghetti for Digi which causes the noodle not to be eaten.
Joko and Widodo are best friends who live in a village. Joko likes to shoot Widodo’s fowl. Every time Widodo knows that his fowls have been killed; he takes revenge by burning Joko’s house. This weird friendship then changes when Widodo must move to the city, living with his son and his family.