Mariya Agafonova

참여 작품

Something with the Telephone
Makeup Artist
Based on the fantastic story by Kir Bulychyov "Can You Ask for Nina?". Guests gathered in Vadim Nikolayevich’s apartment to celebrate the 1979's New Year with a cheerful company. The landlord unsuccessfully tries to reach his friend Nina. He, dialing a number, gets to a girl who is also called Nina. Her answers seem strange to Vadim Nikolayevich until he realizes that he is in some unusual way talking with a child from Moscow in 1942.
The Commander of the Lucky 'Pike'
Makeup Artist
1942, Polar region. The Germans are preparing to capture Murmansk. The submarine Sch-721 is considered lucky, and its captain Aleksei Strogov has the ability to extricate himself from the most difficult situations. He also develops tactics for a periscope-free torpedo attack, despite the skepticism of colleagues and management. And now, when the Happy "Pike" had to take on board the crew of another Soviet submarine, and she was on the seabed with almost no oxygen, Aleksei manages to save people and perform the operation, paying for it with his life...
Accused of Murder
Makeup Artist
A group of drunken young people severely beat the couple in love. Subsequently, Aleksandr Shchetinin died in the hospital after receiving injuries from beatings. The court, chaired by Judge Khromova, is to pronounce the death sentence on one of the four participants in the fight, who committed the fatal blow that led to death.
병사의 발라드
Makeup Artist
소년 병사 알료사는 독일군과의 전투에서 큰 공을 세워 상관으로부터 휴가를 받게 되고, 고향 가는 열차 안에서 위기에 처한 한 소녀를 도와주게 된다. 이 일을 계기로 알료사와 소녀는 가까워지게 되지만, 남은 휴가 기간은 다해가는데...