Bruce Abbott

Bruce Abbott

출생 : 1954-07-28, Portland, Oregon, U.S.


Bruce Paul Abbott (born July 28, 1954) is an American actor. He has appeared in movies such as Re-Animator, Bad Dreams, The Prophecy II, Out of Time, and Bride of Re-Animator, and the TV series Dark Justice. Abbott's career began as a dancer/actor in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon, where he spent three seasons in the late 1970s. In 1980, Abbott relocated from Portland to Hollywood ("in the middle of the actors' strike, and I didn't know Anyone," he recalls). Shortly afterwards, he was cast as the villain in the movie Tag: The Assassination Game. He met his future (first) wife, Linda Hamilton on the set. The union produced one child, Dalton Bruce (born October 4, 1989) (who can be seen in Terminator II as "Infant John Connor"). Bruce and Linda divorced circa 1989. That same year, on the Dallas, Texas, set of the TV movie Trapped, Abbott met actress Kathleen Quinlan. They married April 12, 1994 and have 1 son, Tyler Quinlan (born October 17, 1990). Throughout his career, Abbott has been a guest star on many TV series Murder She Wrote, Family Law, Diagnosis: Murder, and more. He had a recurring role in the short-lived series The Net, based on the film of the same title starring Sandra Bullock. Abbott is semi-retired from acting. He is an architect and artist and works in the custom-design industry. He has designed his last two homes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Bruce Abbott
Bruce Abbott

참여 작품

Dream Cast
The cast of the 1988 film, Bad Dreams, talk about their experiences making a film with heavy themes of suicide, guilt, depression, and mass death.
A Call to Arms
Major Zelnis USMC
A documentary which traces the controversial Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Re-Animator Resurrectus
Features interviews with the cast and crew of Re-Animator (1985), except for the late David Gale.
Taylor Black
Catherine Leoni is a connoisseur of the illusionary arts. She learned her craft from her grandfather, Henry Santorini, a master magician with a disgraced past. Now in search of the fine line between reality and magic, she travels to Death Valley with her gangster husband Robert to meet Taylor Black, a mysterious magician who is about to replicate Santorini’s ruinous past. Adding to the mystery is Wally, who claims he can smell ectoplasm, and Robert’s hit man Bongo. Under Black’s power, Catherine is forced to make a choice…find her own power or succumb to the TRANCE and the seduction of magic. This was the Best Fantasy Feature winner at the New York International Independent Film Festival yet remains obscure.
신의 전사 2
Thomas Daggett
평범한 여성 발레리(제니퍼 빌즈 분)가 교통 사고를 낸 것은 순간의 일이었다. 사고를 당한 다니엘(러셀 웡 분)이라는 남자와 가까워진 발레리는 하룻밤의 사랑으로 아이를 갖게 된다. 한편, 토마스(브루스 애보트 분)라는 이름의 신부는 오래 전부터 이상한, 보통 사람이라면 아무도 믿지 않을 예언들을 기록해왔다. 그의 예언에 따르면 천상의 천사들 중 일부가 하나님이 인간을 가장 사랑하는데 질투를 느껴 인류를 멸망시킬 것이라는 기록이 있다. 이들 악한 천사들의 중심에는 천사장 가브리엘(크리스토퍼 월큰 분)이 서고, 하나님을 배신한 사악한 천사들과 여전히 하나님을 따르는 천사들 사이에 큰 싸움이 일어난다는 것. 하지만 토마스 신부도 이 성전의 결말에 대해서는 결론을 내리지 못하고 다만 악한 천사들이 승리할 경우 인류를 파멸의 길을 걸을 것이며 이를 막는 길은 오로지 성경에 쓰인 대로 천사와 인간 사이에서 아이가 태어나는 것이라고 하는데...
Melanie Darrow
Alex Kramer
A flamboyant female defense attorney takes on a seemingly airtight case, defending an apparently gold-digging husband against the charge of murdering his older, wealthy wife.
Black Scorpion
Michael Russo
Darcy is a cop who is also a supehero named Black Scorpion at night who kicks and beats evildoers to a pulp. She soon catches wind of an asthmatic mad scientist who plans on tainting the city's air supply with a toxin. Only Darcy in her superhero garb can stop him with the assistance of a petty thief named Argyle.
Jack Crowley
사람 죽이는 것을 파리 목숨보다 못하게 여기는 파렴치한 악당 매드독(Mad Dog Burn: 리차드 그리코 분)과 동생 헨리(Little Henry Burn: 랜디 바스퀘즈 분)는 몇분 후면 형장의 이슬로 사라질 상황이다. 거물급 악당의 사형 현장을 생생히 중계하기 위해 방송국, 신문사 기자 등이 모여있는 교도소 안. 전혀 예기치 못한 최악의 상황이 벌어지고, 순간 아수라장이 되고만다. 한편 시장 그램밤(Mayor Eleanor Grimbaum: 수잔 타이렐 분)은 재선을 위해 연기를 모으고져 범죄와의 전쟁을 선포한다. 교도소를 성공리에 탈출한 매드독은 동생 헨리의 죽음을 가슴 아파하며 더욱 광분하게 된다. 더더욱 도시는 강간, 폭행, 탈취 등으로 아수라장으로 변해가고 연일 터지는 범죄 때문에 골머리를 앓게 된 시장은 이를 해결하기 위해 극처방을 내린다. 매드독의 소굴로 들어가 정보를 염탐하던 앨리스(Arlis: 제임스 몽골드 분)가 발각되어 거의 죽을 지경에 이르러 돌아오자 그녀를 인간병기로 만들어 특수 범죄 소탕전문가로 훈련시키는 트로젝트를 실행시킨다. 강노높은 훈련과 죽지않는 데몰리션니스트가 된 앨리스는 범죄의 공포에서 도시를 구하게 되는데.
Harry Pierpont
Crime drama based on the real-life story of US gangster John Dillinger, who was hunted by the FBI after a string of armed bank robberies during the Great Depression. When Dillinger's attacks on banks threaten to make him a dangerous folk hero, the pressure mounts on the FBI - even from the White House - for his capture
Sam (Father)
A family friend hires gumshoe John Chapman to find and reunite three sisters estranged by fate for 30 years. The circuitous trail leads Chapman from the Big Apple to Beantown to the City of Light. His investigation, however, opens the door to disturbing revelations about a forgotten past.
좀비오 2
Dr. Dan Cain
러브크래프트의 소설을 원작으로 하는 공포 영화 [좀비오]의 속편. 전편에서 죽은 사람을 되살려냈던 과학자가 이번에는 사랑 때문에 또 죽은이를 살려낸다. 시체실에서 몰래 훔쳐낸 시체조각들을 이리저리 헝겊처럼 겨우 기워서 되살려낸 여인. 그런데 문제는 살려놓고 보니, 사랑하던 여인이 아니라 괴물. 게다가 이 괴물여인이 사랑받고 싶은 본능 때문에 소동을 일으키자, 모두들 왕따시키게 되는데...
Johnny Ryan
Tom Kelly
An honest, hard-working cop has to go up against the mob in 1949 New York City.
'John Doe'
Kathleen Quinlan is a woman working late in her locked High-Rise office building who along with Bruce Abbot struggle to elude a killer (Ben Loggins) trying to kill them.
Out of Time
Channing Taylor
A cop from the future goes back in time to Los Angeles and teams up with his grandfather to capture a master criminal.
Two girls go away to a holiday resort looking for a change of pace, hoping to meet some nice men for a change. They discover that they can't find the perfect man, and this forces them to reconsider their attitudes to men in general.
악령의 분신
Dr. Alex Karmen
살인이나 자살은 현실의 고통을 잊게 해준다고 믿고 그 신앙을 전도하는 살인교 교주 프랭클린 해리스가 신도들을 모아놓고 마지막 축제라며 기름을 붓고 불을 질러 집단 자살을 한다. 교주와 신도 모두가 타죽지만 어린 신디아만이 살아남아 혼수 상태에 빠진다. 그로부터 13년 후 프시켓 병동에서 혼수 상태에서 깨어난 신디아는 해리스의 망령을 보기 시작하는데...
Baja Oklahoma
Dove Christian
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
Summer Heat
Jack Ruffin
The young wife of a tobacco farmer falls in love with their handsome hired hand.
Humans fight mutants in a post-holocaust world.
Dan Cain
스위스 출신의 의학도 허버트는 미국의 어느 대학교로 전학온다. 그는 시체를 '재활성화'시키는 의학 기술을 사용하여 시체를 소생시키려 한다. 그가 세들어 사는 집주인 댄 케인은 같은 학교 학생인데, 이 기괴한 인물의 실험에 자신도 모르게 말려들어간다. 그러나 그들이 소생시킨 시체들은 정상인이 아니고, 사람을 공격하면서 폭력적인 성향을 보인다. 뜻밖의 결과에 놀란 이들은 보완책을 연구하는데...
A female team of government agents, under the guise of owners of a popular worldwide franchise of aerobic centers, matches wits with a group of criminals who have kidnapped a top defense specialist and his ailing son, intending to sell him to the highest bidder.
Why Me?
An Air Force nurse about to leave the service is badly disfigured about her face in a car accident in which she also loses her baby.
Tag: The Assassination Game
Loren Gersh
Pretending to do research for his newspaper, college student Alex Marsh teams up with the somewhat older Susan Swayze, who he long admired from afar. Susan participates in The Assassination Game, in which every player tries to shoot another with a toy dart gun, until only one remains. While doing his best to win her over, and helping her finding her targets, Alex discovers that this year the Game may be more serious than most contenders realize...