

프로필 사진


참여 작품

제이드 스콜피온의 저주
Rose Kensington
삶은 우연의 연속이기에 마법만큼이나 신비롭다.
Satanism Unmasked: The Return Part 2
"Satanism Unmasked: The Return," is a hard-hitting and factual look at why the crude elements of Satan worship have become so attractive to teenagers everywhere. This video features an array of Fire by Nite comedy sketches, a gripping episode of "Family First" drama, and much more. Guests include Christian music artist Carman, with his latest music videos, and Bob Larson, popular and controversial radio show host talking about his tour with Slayer. Also featured are doctors, and policemen, who are experts in this field, as well as young people who are actually caught up in or have come out of Satanism. "Satanism Unmasked: The Return," also includes an exclusive interview with Warlock Pinchers. With well-researched information and a pertinent message of hope, this video gives those stung by the forces of evil a way out and provides solid answers for those who want to be a part of the solution to this national crisis.
Satanism Unmasked: The Return Part 1
"Satanism Unmasked: The Return," is a hard-hitting and factual look at why the crude elements of Satan worship have become so attractive to teenagers everywhere. This video features an array of Fire by Nite comedy sketches, a gripping episode of "Family First" drama, and much more. Guests include Christian music artist Carman, with his latest music videos, and Bob Larson, popular and controversial radio show host. Also featured are doctors, and policemen, who are experts in this field, as well as young people who are actually caught up in or have come out of Satanism. "Satanism Unmasked: The Return," also includes an exclusive interview with Sean Sellers, a former Satanist who is now on Death Row for the murder of his parents. With well-researched information and a pertinent message of hope, this video gives those stung by the forces of evil a way out and provides solid answers for those who want to be a part of the solution to this national crisis.
Lois Straub
엘리자베스는 학업을 중지하고 뉴욕으로 진출하여 패션 모델이 되고자 한다. 그 곳에서 그녀는 다니엘이라는 미스테리한 바이얼리니스트를 만난다. 이후 엘리자베스는 모델로 성공하고, 다니엘과의 사랑도 깊어간다. 그러던 어느 날, 그녀는 다니엘이 파리에서 테러리스트를 제거하려는 계획을 가지고 있음을 알게 된다. 임무수행을 위해 다니엘이 파리로 떠나자 엘리자베스도 그를 쫓아 프랑스로 향하는데...