Production Manager
A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life...
잿빛의 이름없는 이 도시는 '구역'이라는 곳으로 철조망으로 둘러싸여 군인들이 지키고 있는 외계의 공간이라 알려져 있다. 아내의 만류에도 불구하고 스토커라는 이름의 한 사내가 칠흑 같은 어둠 속을 걸어나온다. 그는 구역 안으로 사람들을 안내할 수 있는 정신적인 재능을 부여받은 소수의 무리 중의 하나이다. 하지만 이 일은 너무나도 위험천만한 일이기 때문에 정부에 걸릴 경우엔 감옥행도 불사해야 하는 일이다. 사람들이 이 구역 안의 공간으로 들어가고자 하는 이유는 이곳에 가는 오직 한 사람만 자신의 비밀스런 꿈을 이룰 수 있다는 설이 있기 때문이다. 그 날밤, 스토커는 두 사람을 안내해 구역 안으로 들어간다. 한 사람은 유명한 작가로 이제는 영감이 소멸돼 자신의 천재성에 대해 회의를 갖기 시작하는 사람이고, 또 다른 한 사람은 조용한 과학자로 여행보다는 배낭에 더 관심을 가지는 사람이다. 버려진 공간 '구역'에서 그 공간을 향하는 길은 정해져 있지 않다. 그들이 점점 공간에 가까이 다가갈수록 규칙은 변하고 스토커는 커다란 위험에 직면하는데...
Sergei and Tanya are in love with each other. Sergei is drafted into the marine corps and Tania waits for his return. Sergei's division is abandoned in favor of helping local residents in distress. During the operation, his armored personnel gets carried into the sea. His relatives receive a notice of his death. Tanya's loving childhood friend, a hockey player, helps her to cope with misfortune and she marries him. But it turned out that Sergei did not perish. He, together with a wounded friend he saved, are found on a deserted island after a long winter. Back home, Sergei learns that Tanya has married another. Unable to accept the loss of his beloved, Sergei dies; but this death is a symbolic and emotional one, not physical. Sergei continues to live a normal life without shock and strong distress, meets another girl, marries her, has a child. In the finale there is a spiritual rebirth of the hero.
Production Manager
It so happens that peaceful kindergarten teacher is incredibly similar to the terrible villain who stole the helmet of Alexander the Great. And villain's accomplices are unexpectedly similar to children - they also need love and care.
Serebryakov, a retired professor and his beautiful, much younger second wife, Yeléna, visit their country estate, which funds their urban lifestyle. Vanya, brother of the Professor's first wife, who manages the farm estate, and the local Doctor Astrov, both fall under Yelena's spell, while complaining of the endless ennui of their provincial existence. Astrov is an experienced physician who performs his job conscientiously, but has lost all idealism and spends much of his time drinking. Sofya, the Professor's daughter by his first wife, who works to keep the estate going with her uncle Vanya, meanwhile suffers from lack of esteem over what she sees as her own lack of beauty, and from an unrequited love for Dr. Astrov. Matters are brought to a head when the Professor announces his intention to sell the estate, Vanya and Sofya's home, to achieve a higher income for himself and his wife.