Hanna Schimek

참여 작품

Shirley: Visions of Reality
A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. "Office at Night", "Western Motel", "Usherette", "A Woman in the Sun") into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.
Shirley: Visions of Reality
Key Scenic Artist
A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. "Office at Night", "Western Motel", "Usherette", "A Woman in the Sun") into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.
1분짜리 모차르트
오스트리아에서 활동 중인 28명의 감독들이 모차르트에 대한 1분짜리 단편 영화를 만들기 위해 한자리에 모인다. 애니메이션, 실험영화, 다큐멘터리, 극영화 등 다양한 장르의 감독들이 각자 만든 이 작품은 오늘의 사회, 예술, 문화에 모차르트가 끼친 영향을 다양한 형식과 맥락에 의해 담아내고 있다. 2006년 모차르트 탄생 250주년 기념 위원회가 제작한 작품.