Agathe Natanson

Agathe Natanson

출생 : 1946-11-14, Paris, France

프로필 사진

Agathe Natanson

참여 작품

Two Snails Set Off
A forest full of animated animals encourage a pair of snails, who are fully clad in black because they are in mourning for a dead leaf, to celebrate the new spring and reclaim the colors of life. Based on the children's poem by Jacques Prévert entitled "Chanson des escargots qui font à l'enterrement" ("Song of the snails who are on their way to a funeral").
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Tante Martine
Thirty-year-old Ben is about to marry Juliette. His quiet, ordered life will fall to pieces when he meets up again with the person he secretly wants to see the most: Vanessa, the high school bombshell who never so much as looked in his direction. She's back in Paris, and the only person she now knows is him…
La Fleur de l'âge
Directrice de la maison de repos
Gaspard Dassonville may be 63 but he stubbornly refuses to show his age. A well-known television producer, he amuses himself with women who are half his age, and life has never felt so good. Then, one day, his age catches up with him with a vengeance, when he is forced to take care of his elderly father Hubert. An indomitable oldster, Hubert soon manages to unsettle his son’s illusory youth, but things take an unexpected turn when a care assistant with a colorful imagination comes between them...
Description : Belgium, 1943. The situation is becoming unbearable for the Field family : antisemitic persecutions become common and violent. Joseph Field, the father, rebels against the occupying army. He is arrested and deported. Esther, his wife, decides to go “underground”: she enters the clandestinity. She gives her oldest son to look after with Hermann, her father-in-law. He knows an escape n
사랑을 카피하다
The Woman at the Square
영국인 작가 제임스 밀러는 새로 펴낸 <기막힌 복제품>이란 책의 강연차 들른 이탈리아 토스카나에서 그녀와 만나게 된다. 아름답고 예민한 그녀는 홀로 아이를 키우며 골동품 가게를 운영하는 프랑스 여성으로 <기막힌 복제품>의 팬이다. 그의 책에 매료된 그녀는 하루 동안 토스카나의 시골지역을 소개해 주겠다고 자청하고, 함께 하면서 서로에 대해 알아가게 될 때쯤 두 사람은 ‘진짜 부부’인 척하는 장난스러운 역할극을 시작한다. 가벼운 마음으로 시작한 그들의 역할극은 점점 진지해지고, 진실과 거짓이 모호한 감정의 소용돌이 속으로 휘말리기 시작하는데...
En Cas de Malheur
다빈치 코드
Ritual Priestress
특별강연을 위해 파리에 체류중이던 하버드대 기호학자 로버트 랭던(톰 행크스)은 깊은 밤 급박한 호출을 받는다. 루브르 박물관의 수석 큐레이터 자크 소니에르가 박물관 내에서 살해당한 시체로 발견된 것이다. 시체 주변에 가득한 이해할 수 없는 암호들… 그중 ‘P.S. 로버트 랭던을 찾아라’는 암호 때문에 살인누명까지 뒤집어쓴 랭던은 자크의 손녀이자 기호학자인 소피 느뷔(오드리 토투)와 함께 자크가 남긴 불가사의한 수수께끼를 풀어나가기 시작한다. 인류역사를 뒤바꿀 거대한 비밀이 벗겨지는 순간, 최초의 목격자는 당신이다! 랭던과 소피는 시시각각 좁혀오는 경찰 조직과 파슈 국장(장 르노)의 숨가쁜 포위망을 피하면서, ‘모나리자’, ‘암굴의 성모’ 등 천재화가 레오나르도 다 빈치의 작품들 속에 숨겨진 충격적인 비밀을 추적한다. 하지만 코드 속에 감춰진 실마리를 쫓아 진실에 접근할수록 비밀단체 시온 수도회가 지켜온 비밀을 지워버리려는 ‘오푸스 데이’의 추격은 더욱 격렬해지고, 마침내 두 사람은 인류 역사를 송두리째 뒤바꿀 거대한 비밀과 마주하게 되는데...
Le Nouveau Testament
Marguerite Worms
A neurosurgeon with a cheating wife takes an amnesiac into his home and conditions him to believe that the cheating wife is his own and to take the "appropriate" action.
Lancelot du Lac
This story is set in the 13th century, in Britain, where Lancelot, who was raised by Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, becomes one the Knight of the Round Tables and falls secretly in love with Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, for whom he wants to accomplish many deeds.
A car salesman journeys to France and encounters an apparently lonely woman. He immediately begins to successfully woo her only to learn that she is actually a baron's wife. Fortunately, the baron believes in open marriages and winds up hiring the Englishman to teach his son (from an earlier marriage) everything about automobiles. Meanwhile the car salesman finds himself falling seriously in love with the wife. The baron really doesn't mind as he himself is involved with another.
Colette Barnier
This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.