A wonderful documentary that sheds additional light on the fascinating project ‘Inferno’ was, as well as how those who were involved with it reacted to it during the shooting process. A riveting adjunct to the main feature, offering a glut of interviews with various people associated with the production, and presenting quite a bit more production data, as well as some unseen footage from Clouzot's shoot.
Julien (archive footage)
In 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot's production of L'Enfer came to a halt. Despite huge expectations, major studio backing and an unlimited budget, after three weeks the production collapsed. This documentary presents Inferno's incredible expressionistic original rushes, screen tests, and on-location footage, whilst also reconstructing Clouzot's original vision, and shedding light on the ill-fated endeavor through interviews, dramatizations of unfilmed scenes, and Clouzot's own notes.
폴과 넬리 부부는 경치 좋은 시골에서 호텔을 운영한다. 하지만 폴은 호텔을 살 때 진 빚 때문에 걱정이 크고, 스트레스는 날로 쌓여만 간다. 술과 수면제를 밥 먹듯 하던 폴은 급기야 아내 넬리에게 다른 남자가 있다는 편집증적 망상과 질투에 사로잡힌다. 그리고 폴과 넬리의 관계는 파국으로 치닫는다. 1964년 앙리 조르주 클루조가 시작했지만 완성하지는 못했던 프로젝트를 샤브롤이 가져와 완성시켰다. 폴의 망상과 현실이 끝없이 교차하여 불안과 공포는 증폭된다. 넬리 역의 엠마누엘 베아르가 가진 성녀와 창녀의 얼굴은 위험하리만치 매혹적이다. (2017 영화의 전당 - 클로드 샤브롤 회고전)
Lazlo Hart
A family of aerialists decides to go after the $250,000 prize being offered to any group that can execute a complicated trapeze maneuver. However, personal dramas and financial difficulties soon threaten to overtake the flyers' pursuit of the elusive quadruple somersault. The film received a Robert Award as the best Danish film of 1985.
Bob Grouillet, press officer
Felix Pejat
Un agent au barrage
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
A man and his daughter, tired of fights and routines, miss school and work the same day.
A man and his daughter, tired of fights and routines, miss school and work the same day.
Rumin, healer
François, a miserable football player, becomes a town hero after bringing victory in an extremely important game. He uses his fame for revenge on the team star for the previous mockeries.
der Dieb der Ölkanne
The bungling inspector Cruchot finds himself trying to save the residents of St. Tropez from some oil-drinking humanoid aliens. The only way to tell the aliens from the real people, besides their constant thirst for oil-products, is that they sound like empty garbage cans when you touch them. Chaos is ahead.
Directeur de la prison
Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.
Le camionneur
Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...
세련된 중년 사업가, 마티유는 7년 전 부인과 사별한 후, '사랑하지 않은 여자와는 절대 섹스를 하지 않는다'는 철학을 가진 남자다. 마티유는, 하녀 콘치타에게 홀딱 반해, 하루가 멀다하고 그녀의 아파트를 드나들며 돈으로 환심을 사려한다. 정작 자신을 데리고 노는 건 콘치타인지도 모른 채. 아슬아슬하고도 감질나게 남자를 농락하던 콘치타는 어느 날 갑자기, 환멸의 편지 한 통과 함께 사라진다. 그후 5개월, 프랑스 파리의 근교 호화별장. 마티유가 우연히 들른 술집에서 재회하게 되는 두 사람. 그날부터 둘의 은밀한 동거는 시작되는데. 콘치타는 기상천외한 팬티를 입고 첫날밤을 치르는가 하면 "나의 모든 것을 주면 당신은 날 사랑하지 않을 것..."이라는 달콤한 변명으로 그와의 잠자리를 거부한다. 그러던 어느 날 마티유는 자신의 집에서 젊은 애인과 놀아나던 콘치타를 발견하고 내쫓는다. 7개월 후, 스페인 세비아의 한 작은 마을. 점점 시들어가던 마티유는 참다못해 콘치타를 찾아간다. 하지만 뜻밖의 사건이 벌어지고. 실오라기 하나도 걸치지 않고 스트립쇼를 하고 있는 콘치타의 충격적인 모습. 그녀의 팬티는 난공불락이 아니었던가? 마티유는 콘치타에게 집을 한 채 사주고 일을 그만 두게 한다. 밤마다 펼쳐질 그녀와의 멋진 밀애를 상상하며. 마침내 그녀의 비밀스런 초대가 있던 날. 콘치타는 철문밖에 마티유를 세워놓고 다른 남자와 정사를 벌인다. 다음날, "당신을 시험해보기 위한 연극이었노라"라 애원하는 콘치타. 하지만 마티유는 파리행 짐을 싼다. 다시 스페인 세비야 기차역. 마티유는 오늘 기차표를 끊은 것이며, 그를 붙잡으려 쫓아온 콘치타는 물을 뒤집어 쓴 것. 그러나 마티유의 이 이야기가 거의 끝날 무렵.
위고 세나르(알랭 들롱 분)는 사회의 특수 소외 계층인 집시다. 집시들의 권리를 옹호하기 위해 살인을 저지르고 3년전 형을 구형 받았으나 탈옥하고 만다. 그의 동료들 역시 은행을 털다가 20년형을 구형 받았다. 경찰은 이들을 2년 전부터 쫓고 있으나 이들은 오히려 대담하게 절도 행각을 계속하며 가난하고 불쌍한 소외계층 사람들을 도와준다. 사회에서 멸시 받는 집시의 후예, 그는 강도 짓을 해 번 돈으로 어려운 이웃을 돕는 등, 사회에 대한 불만을 이상한 행동으로 해소한다. 그러나 위고 세나르(지탕)은 가는 곳마다 묘하게 금고 털이범 얀 퀵과 얽히게 되는데. 고독한 두 사나이들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인지... 아무도 도와주는 이 없는 이 집시의 목숨을 구해주는 수의사는 돈 다발을 건네는 주인공에게 악수 한번이면 충분하다고 거절한다.
Raymond Pelletier
The film story depicts Emile Buisson, following the death of his wife and child, escaping from a psychiatric institution in 1947 and returning to Paris. Buisson, who three years later would become France's public enemy number one, begins a murderous rampage through the French capital.
Arouni - un étalon
Traffic Policeman in the Rain
한 싸구려 소설의 작가가 자신을 멋진 영웅으로, 영국인 이웃을 자신의 연인으로 상상하는 이야기.
Prosecutor Maillard can rejoice: he has just obtained the death sentence of an accused accused of murder. It is the third head he gets at the assizes. There followed an evening of rejoicing with his wife and friends, including the prosecutor Bertolier. The latter's wife is Maillard's mistress. The lovers left alone, the condemned man, Valorin, burst into the room. He managed to escape during his transfer to the remand center. Valorin immediately recognized Bertolier's wife. And for good reason: at the time of the crime, they were together in a brothel. Stunned by the miscarriage of justice he has just committed, Maillard then tries to rehabilitate Vallorin while trying to avoid a scandal in the judiciary. He then calls Bertolier to the rescue. Valorin is opportunely killed "accidentally" and ... everything will go back to "order".
A woman seduces a young man so her homosexual husband can satisfy his desires.
Kid Barrantin
Unlucky in love, Alfred tries to commit suicide, only to be thwarted by police efforts to prevent a simultaneous attempt by a nearby young woman. Recovering, the young lady puts him up at her house, as he has run out of places to live. He joins a Parisian sporting team and seems to have transferred his bad luck to a corrupt television boss who is attempting to manipulate the game so that Alfred's Paris team loses.
A series of sketches with the themes of infidelity, sexuality and divorce.
A series of sketches with the themes of infidelity, sexuality and divorce.
Gérard Postelle
An innocent woman falls prey to her abusive husband, his wealthy father and a shady family friend.
1930년대 마르세이유 항구도시. 범죄조직 신디케이트가 유행처럼 확산되고 도시에는 거대한 암흑 조직이 자라나고 있다. 갓 출옥한 로크 카펠라(아랑 드롱)는 옛 애인 로라를 되찾아 오고자 프랑소와 시프레디(장 폴 벨몽드)와 주먹대결을 벌인다. 그러다가 서로 의기투합한 두 사람은 권투 경기를 개최하는 등 작은 돈벌이를 하면서 기회를 노리다가 암흑조직의 보스인 폴리의 정육창고에 불을 지르면서 조직과 정면대결을 하게 된다. 또한 이들은 시장 후보자인 리날디의 저격사건으로 범죄조직의 거두인 마레오와 숙명의 한판을 벌이게 되는데...
세력을 잡기 위한 조직간의 피의 대결. 아랑 드롱과 장폴 벨몽드의 멋진 액션, 종반부에 프랑소와가 살해되면서 남기는 여운등은 진정한 영화팬이면 놓칠 수 없는 뛰어난 액션명작이다.
Mr. Sigmund
A woman learns that she is sole legatee of her forgotten rich uncle, but there is a small problem: she's got to be a widow to latch onto the dough or the fortune will go to a vague sect...
Jean-François, antique dealer
나토 사령부에 숨겨져 있는 비자금 수백만불을 탈취하기 위하여 최고의 도둑놈 장 폴 벨몽도와 천재 사기꾼 데이비드 니븐이 만나 벌이는 초특급 코믹 액션 스릴러 !!! 장 폴 벨몽도 주연작중 리오의 사나이와 함께 가장 재미있다는 평가를 받고 있다
The Saint-Tropez police launch a major offensive against dangerous drivers. Marechal Cruchot (Louis de Funès) relishes the assignment, which he pursues with a manic zeal. Cruchot is after an offending driver, who turns out to be Josépha (Claude Gensac), the widow of a highly regarded police colonel. When they meet, Cruchot falls instantly in love....
Rita is a girl that lives on taking gangsters as lovers. But when the money stops coming, she swears revenge.
La Palluche
Mr Jo, nicknamed "the man with the Buick", is the darling of the small town of Honfleur. But he is in fact a trafficker with a bad reputation who would like to forget about his past, now limiting himself to smuggling rubies under the cover of a charitable organization which offers underprivileged children holidays in Switzerland. However, Mr. Jo is in love with a pretty widow and, in order to marry her, he is willing to get involved in a hold-up again. And "the man with the Buick", who seemed so honorable, will surprise the inhabitants of Honfleur when Inspector Menard reveals his secret activities.
Monsieur Bosquier, the owner of a private school, is far from pleased when his eldest son, Philippe, fails his end of year exams. He decides to send his wayward offspring to England to improve his English. In exchange, Philippe’s host, a wealthy whisky distiller, Mac Farrel, will send his daughter, Shirley, to live with the Bosquiers in France. However, Philippe has already decided to spend the summer holidays on a yacht with his friends, so he sends a fellow student, Michonnet, to England in his place. The deception is soon discovered but things go from bad to worse when Philippe and Shirley fall in love and fly to Scotland to get married...
This talkative and unevenly paced feature finds Fou (Jean Lefebvre) the inventor of a gas that makes the users fall in love. He is chased by his boss, the police, and spies, who seek to secure the secret recipe for their own selfish purposes. A shadowy American underworld figure tries to intimidate the inventor. A half-hearted attempt at comedy tries to go along with the double dealing and trickery of the thin plot of the film.
This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.
Since the car accident that caused the death of his wife, the comics author Stéphane Destouches sinks into alcohol and wanders the roads of Morocco.
Le chauffeur de car
A French resistance group frees twelve captured soldiers from a German prison camp, but apparently there is an additional prisoner among them who is suspected of being an enemy spy.
Line of Demarcation. is a 1966 film written and directed by Claude Chabrol. Its title in French is La Ligne de démarcation. It is based on upon the memoir Mémoires d'un agent secret de la France libre et La Ligne de démarcation by Gilbert Renault under his pseudonym Colonel Rémy. A small village in the Jura is split by the river Loue which creates the line of demarcation between Nazi occupied France and freedom. A French officer, Pierre (Ronet), is released by the Nazi soldiers to find his chateau converted into a German command centre. Whilst he is obliged to co-operate with the enemy, his wife Mary (Seberg) supports the resistance movement and is willing to risk her life for it. The Nazis step up their activity against the resistance, insisting that any who attempt to cross the line of demarcation will be shot. When his wife is arrested, Pierre decides to switch his allegiance.
장-뽈 벨몽도 주연의 모험 영화로 부유한 한 젊은이가 자살을 결심하여 청부살인업자에게 자신을 죽일 것을 부탁하지만 마음을 바꾸면서 일어나는 일들을 코미디적 시각으로 그린 작품. 64년 작품인 '리오에서 온 사나이(L'Homme de Rio)'를 거의 리메이크에 가깝게 만든 영화다.
A confused pair of airport luggage carriers get involved in the disappearance of some suitcases.
A Turkish ambassador arrives in Paris to sign an important trade agreement, allowing Turkey to buy a sophisticated new war plane from France. Immediately he is the target of an assassin, and a special agent is assigned to protect him.
The knife thrower
le procureur
France, WWI. Landru, the father of four Children, contacts Parisian women through newspapers, seduces and eventually kills them in order to feed his little family.
2차 대전 중 독일의 포로수용소에 수감된 프랑스 군인의 탈출을 다룬 영화. 전쟁포로의 탈출이라는 소재가 "위대한 환상"과 비슷하지만 영화의 주제는 억압에 대한 저항에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 르누아르는 영화의 배경보다 인물을 중요하게 생각했기 때문에 수용소에 갇힌 각 인물들의 개성과 내면의 표현에 세심하게 신경을 썼다. 뉴스릴 필름이 포함된 흑백 촬영은 ‘탈출기’라는 맥락을 강조하며 영화에 사실성을 더한다. 브레송의 조감독 출신인 기 르프랑이 각색과 감독에 공동 참여하였다.
Charlot l'élégant
Roberto goes to Marseilles to give a hand to his friend Xavier, wrongly imprisoned following a frame-up organized by his associate Villanova. Roberto sets out to seduce Villanova's mistress, but when Villanova is killed, Roberto ends up leader of the band...
Le représentant
Victor (Jean-Pierre Cassel) and Suzanne (Genevieve Cluny) are a couple at odds about commitment in this light, fast-paced comedy-drama by Philippe de Broca. Suzanne needs more reassurance from Victor about the future of their relationship. He is a painter with an inspired creative side who finds it difficult to understand Suzanne's point of view. They are happy together; what is the problem? So when a friend comes into the picture and proposes to Suzanne, Victor suddenly realizes that Suzanne was right. Without a formal commitment, the suddenly insecure man does not like the view from the opposite shore.
Mario di Donati, a deserter from the Italian army, lives in Paris under a false name with Germaine, his French lover. When the latter learns about his hidden past, she feels hurt by Mario's lack of trust in her and she distances herself from him. In despair, Mario surrenders to the law but, at the time of trial, he runs away to join the woman he loves.
André Lapierre, motorcyclist
제인, 지네트, 자클린, 리타는 파리 바스티유 근처의 가전제품 상점에서 일하는 처녀들. 큰 언니 같은 회계, 마담 루이즈와 함께 하루 종일 손님들을 평가하거나 시시한 수다를 떨며 퇴근시간만 기다리는 그네들의 진짜 삶은 퇴근과 함께 시작된다. 제인(베르나데트 라퐁 분)은 군 복무 중인 약혼자를 소홀히 하며 새로 만난 두 남자와 바람을 피우고, 가수가 되고 싶은 지네트(스테판느 오드랑 분)는 밤마다 동네 캬바레의 무대에서 노래를 부른다. 로맨틱한 리타(루실 쌩-시몽 분)는 위선적인 잡화상 아들 앙리의 유혹에 넘어가 잠시 신데렐라의 꿈에 젖고, 자클린(클로틸드 조아노 분)은 신비로운 오토바이 탄 남자에게 매혹되면서 헤어나올 수 없는 늪에 빠지고 만다.
The old Valmorin died 200 years ago. The notary tells the family about the inheritance: the one who is terminally ill will receive the money. They all try their luck with getting ill before the other so one family member pretends to be deaf, another pretends to have a terrible back ache and so on...
The mistress of the wealthy Henri Marcoux is murdered and the family accuses the milkman of committing the crime. But Marcoux's daughter's fiancé suspects that she may have been murdered by someone else.
Ousted protector
Back from Indochina, Tony and Dick, two French soldiers, are now in possession of more than 20 million, entrusted by a trafficker. They buy a nightclub in the district of Montparnasse but are soon hunted by the thug who wants to recover his money.
un résistant
During the Occupation, Cora takes the place of her dead husband at the head of a Resistance network. One evening, she sympathizes with Bernard, a Swiss journalist. However, he is actually an undercover German officer who is close to the man ordered to find her using an Identikit picture...
Paulo, un détenu
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...
Antoine Peyralout is baker Mouillefarine's tricycle delivery man. Comical and stuttering, Antoine shows more interest in the local soccer team than in professional integrity. A wedding cake pays the price for it and the young man is dismissed. Not dispirited in the least, Antoine decides to go to Nice, where his favorite team will play the final of the Cup. On his merry (and eventful) way, he has the opportunity to save a pretty camper, Popeline, with whom he falls in love. Once in Nice, he discovers that Dabek, the brilliant goal-keeper is not up to his task following bad news...
Carlos, a weapons trader, is struck by his resemblance to a certain Slim. Wishing to take advantage of this situation, the mafioso asked the latter to be the commander of his ship.
In a port area of France, clashes between a gang of young delinquents and a tribe of gypsies.
The Friesian
Nightclub entertainer Jean Clery discovers too late that the 'baby' he agreed to take care of is a wild, shapely sex kitten.
A 1955 French thriller film. It is an adaptation of the 1941 novel It Couldn't Matter Less by British writer Peter Cheyney
Un client des Serin
A trucker encounters a dead body on the road home. He reports the incident to the police, who suspect that Jean was responsible for the death, and his new truck is impounded. To make matters worse, the man's widow accuses him of having robbed her husband, and a gang of sinister crooks are also harassing him.
une attraction au "Balajo"
L'agent dans l'escalier (uncredited)
A building, a landing, two tenants: he, Jacques Loursier, is president of the U.R.A.F (Union and Resistance Anti-Woman); she, Eliane Cahuzac, is president of the Association for the Triumph and Independence of Women. Unaware of each other until then, a cold war begins between the two parties. An attempt at conciliation fails then, after many adventures, love triumphs.