Patrick Lapierre

참여 작품

Nut Jobs
Benjamin tells his ex-girlfriend, Angie, that he joined a cell of left-wing terrorists to get revenge on her former boss, who owns a right-wing radio station. His story blends conceptual artists, amateur theatre troupes, hallucinogenic vinyl record and other magical powers. All that nonsense leave Angie wondering if he made that up only to win her back.
Nut Jobs
Membre du N.O.R.M.M.
Benjamin tells his ex-girlfriend, Angie, that he joined a cell of left-wing terrorists to get revenge on her former boss, who owns a right-wing radio station. His story blends conceptual artists, amateur theatre troupes, hallucinogenic vinyl record and other magical powers. All that nonsense leave Angie wondering if he made that up only to win her back.
Nut Jobs
Visual Effects
Benjamin tells his ex-girlfriend, Angie, that he joined a cell of left-wing terrorists to get revenge on her former boss, who owns a right-wing radio station. His story blends conceptual artists, amateur theatre troupes, hallucinogenic vinyl record and other magical powers. All that nonsense leave Angie wondering if he made that up only to win her back.
Guy Friend at Party
1973년에 캐나다 퀘벡에서 태어난 여류 소설가 넬리 아르캉은 프랑스와 캐나다 문단의 총아로 추앙 받은 인물이다. 그녀는 실제로 5년 동안 매춘에 종사했던 경험을 바탕으로 2005년 자전적 소설 를 발표해 베스트셀러에 오르며 주목을 받았다. 이후 등 두 번째 장편 소설을 출간하며 승승장구하다가 2009년 36세의 짧은 나이에 스스로 목숨을 끊으며 충격을 안겨주었다. 는 작가, 누군가의 연인, 매춘부 그리고 스타라는, 도저히 양립할 수 없는 정체성들의 사이에서 길을 잃은 한 여성의 초상이다.
A Russian woman is back in her childhood country setting, and strolling in a field at night brings back many distant memories.
A Russian woman is back in her childhood country setting, and strolling in a field at night brings back many distant memories.