Costume Designer
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
Animation Director
As Fu and her friends begin their third and final year of high school, the photography club gets two new members; freshman Takumi Shindou and sophomore Suzune Maekawa. Thinking about what to do after graduation, Fu decides she wants to pursue a career combining photography and travelling. Afterwards, Fu's family tell Fu about the time she took a picture of her father and first learned about "tamayura" from him. Later, as Chihiro and Tomo pay a visit for the Bamboo Festival, announcing that they plan to study abroad after graduation, Fu is shocked to learn that Riho is planning to leave town. During the festival the next day, as the girls get to see Kanae as part of Sayomi's explorer's club, Fu is approached by Riho, who explains she is going to Tokyo to open a gallery with her friend. Thankful for everything Riho has done for her, Fu promises the carry on her torch in pusuit of a career in photography.
Key Animation
삼바 리듬을 좋아하는 가짜 인간들이 나타나 진짜를 납치해버리고 자신들이 진짜인 것처럼 행동하기 시작한다. 온 마을이 점령당하고 짱구네 가족들과 친구들만이 비밀조직원 제클린의 도움으로 겨우 살아 남은 가운데, 제클린은 '아미고'라는 바이오테크놀로지계의 세계적 거물이 배후에 있다는 것을 알려준다. 이제 짱구네 가족들과 친구들은 점점 포위망을 좁혀오는 가짜 괴물들에 맞서 싸워야만 하는데...
Key Animation
계왕이 죽어버린 관계로 4대 계왕들이 결계를 이뤄서 지키고 있던 은하전사 보자크 일당들이 부활하여 지구로 침략해온다. 미스터 사탄은 대부호의 후원을 받아 그 아들의 생일잔치를 겸해서 천하제일 무도회를 벤치마킹한 무술 대회를 열고 당시 셀도 사라져서 별로 할 일이 없던(...) Z전사들이 출전하게 된다. 하지만 보자크 일당들이 대회에 난입하면서 대회는 엉망이 되는데...