Adam Nagle

참여 작품

블레이드 퍼피 워리어
고양이로 가득한 마을에서 위대한 워리어가 되는 꿈을 가진 사냥개 행크가 자신의 운명을 찾아 떠나는 이야기
리버댄스: 애니메이션 어드벤처
가슴 아픈 이별을 겪은 아일랜드 소년 키건. 스페인에서 온 친구 모야와 춤을 배우기 시작하는데. 그 과정에서 마법의 뿔을 가진 사슴들을 만나고, 다 함께 위험과 역경을 헤쳐 나간다.
The premise involves a group of animals who rebel against the humans who own the farm, and win their independence. The architects of the revolution create an utopian environment based on equality, but a pig named Napoleon twists the original intent, slowly eliminates his rivals and enacts seven commandments, the basic of which declares that “all animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Based on socialist George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm".
Set in a futuristic world, the film follows a grizzled porcine bounty hunter who accepts his next hit: Pickles, a naive, ebullient elephant who has escaped the clutches of an evil trillionaire. Though Hitpig initially sets out to capture the perky pachyderm, the unlikely pair find themselves on an unexpected adventure criss-crossing the globe that brings out the best in both of them.