Hans-Jochen Wagner

Hans-Jochen Wagner

출생 : 1968-01-01,

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Hans-Jochen Wagner

참여 작품

Am Abgrund
Gerd Meineke
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
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Zimmer mit Stall - Schwiegermutter im Anflug
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she temporarily stores all municipal waste on her own yard. The improvisation artist gets active support from Felix, who appeares virtually with a paraglider out of the blue and skilfully turnes Sophie's head. Just now, Sophie's ex-mother-in-law Brigitte is at the door. The grande dame from Paris wants Sophie to return to her son Phillippe to prevent the unsuitable young successor who, in her opinion, does not come from a good family and only wants to take over the business. While Leonie is happy about her grandmother's visit, Sophie wants to know as little as possible about her. She is amazed at the unexpected magic that the sophisticated Brigitte unleashes on her grumpy barn occupier Barthl. He buys an elegant suit and dresses up neatly to impress the elegant elderly woman. But unfortunately more uninvited guests show up.
Martha and Betty have known each other for twenty years and they have decided to breakthrough. But while Martha realizes that her father has only faked his death wish in order to see the great love of his life again on Lake Maggiore, Betty mourns her stepfather Ernesto, who supposedly died years ago.
The House
Germany 2029: A renowned journalist is banned from writing, leading him and his wife to retreat into their luxurious holiday home. As the political conditions in Germany escalate, the smarthome increasingly transforms from a peaceful refuge into a dangerous adversary…
Hannes Schwerdtner
The consequences of the climate catastrophe are dramatic in 2034. Drought and floods destroy the livelihoods of millions of people. After the third storm tide in a row, the headquarters of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was evacuated. In a provisional interim building in Berlin, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of legal proceedings. Two lawyers represent 31 countries of the global South, which are doomed to destruction without the support of the international community.
이지와 오시
Manfred Voigt
셰프가 되고 싶은 소녀와 복서로 성공하고 싶은 소년. 그들이 서로의 꿈을 위해 동맹을 맺는다. 억만장자인 소녀의 부모를 설득해 돈을 받아낼 것. 일단 계획은 완벽하다. 이대로 흘러가기만 한다면!
The Magic Kids: Three Unlikely Heroes
Herr Wermann
Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, but he soon meets other special kids.
Heute oder morgen
A young couple with an open, long-term relationship, engage in a three-way relationship with Chloe in the free-spirited city of Berlin.
엘렉트릭 걸
낮에는 일본 애니메이션의 슈퍼히어로 여주인공 키미코 목소리를 더빙하고, 밤에는 아르바이트를 하는 젊고 독립적인 여성 미아. 언제부턴가 키미코의 초능력을 갖게 된 그녀는 주변 사람들에게 ‘인류의 그 날’이 다가왔음을 알리는데….
Big Manni
Manfred Brenner
Things could truly be better for regionally successful entrepreneur Manfred Brenner in the mid-1980s. For Brenner, however, there is no reason to worry, because he is firmly counting on a breakthrough with his newly founded company FlowTex. With innovative horizontal drilling systems, he wants to revolutionize underground pipeline construction. But at first the big success remains elusive. He finally succeeds by relying on drilling systems and orders that don't even exist, piling up loan upon loan and leasing contract upon leasing contract. He uses charm and persuasion, and for a long time no one notices that Brenner is building a fraudulent consortium of companies with just a few helpers and a lot of falsified documents.
Nora walks out on her husband Philip and their two children without a word of explanation. She’s driven by an irresistible force. She wants to be free.
The Bloom of Yesterday
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
Monkey King
Wolfi is in his mid-40s and wants to revisit the good old days with his three best buddies in the Provence, where life is good. Little does he realize that his old chums are in the middle of growing up for real, bringing their wives and kids and all their everyday family problems too.
Die Neue
Die Deutschlehrerin
Der Verlust
Uli and Nora share an intimate, late love. But Uli always avoids the decision to stand on the common relationship. One morning Uli suffers a stroke during a tour of the harbor on the Elbe. He fights his way through the city to the reading room of the library where Nora works. At the last minute, an ambulance takes Uli to the hospital. In this situation, Nora is overwhelmed. When, on the initiative of her friend Eva, she fetches a few things for Uli from his apartment, a cell phone rings. At the other end there is an unknown female voice that sounds strangely familiar ...
Chuzpe - Klops braucht der Mensch!
A comedy directed by Isabel Kleefeld.
Sophie kocht
Das Lächeln der Frauen
Adam Goldberg
Brezeln für den Pott
Roland Reuter
Two worlds collide when the thoroughbred Swabian Roland Reuter is transferred to Duisburg by his employer, the bakery Weckle. There he is supposed to bring the downsized company branch back into the black. For the solid employee an immense challenge - not least because his wife Sybille and pubescent daughter at home in the country has remained. Thus, Roland works hard from Monday to Friday to implement Swabian work ethic for his staff, who are endowed with typical Ruhr-pot-serenity.
Mord am Höllengrund
Markus Wenger
Silent Summer
The movie focuses on Kristine, an art historian. Kristine's personal life take a dramatic twist when the whole family is gathering together and the secrets of the past are being revealed at her gracious mansion in the French countryside.
Der Rücktritt
Kai Diekmann
In 2012 German Bundespraesident Christian Wulff declares his resignation in the great hall of Bellevue Palace. At the side of his wife, he had to face the pressure of the media for 68 days while struggling for office of head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Weiter als der Ozean
Global Player - Wo wir sind isch vorne
Bankchef Wissmann
A family, middle-class and entrepreneurial, in times of globalization.
Alles für meine Tochter
Boris Erdmann
Teacher Ines and journalist Boris have been happily married for 14 years. But Ines suffers from her childlessness. Then she is confronted with a chapter of her life that has displaced her for many years: In a new student she recognizes her daughter, who she had released after adoption for adoption. Since Boris knows nothing about it, Ines can only trust her best friend Simone. Against her advice, she also seeks in private the proximity to the unsuspecting student. In doing so, she finds herself in a conflict between her responsibility as a teacher and her growing motherly feelings.
Verratene Freunde
Lehrer Bähr
Two married couples, in their mid-40s, have been friends for a long time. Until one husband believes he has to bring an indiscretion to the public about the other and the respective life plans and moral concepts are called into question. Matthias Brandt, Barbara Auer, Heino Ferch and Katja Riemann can be seen in the leading roles of this outstanding, chamber play-like television film.
Im Alleingang - Elemente des Zweifels
Dr. Ertel
클로즈드 시즌: 욕망의 계절
1942년, 독일의 한 시골마을에 살고 있는 프리츠와 엠마 부부. 이들은 두 사람의 꾸준한 노력에도 불구하고 아이를 갖지 못하는 것을 제외하고는 평범한 일상을 살고 있다. 어느 날, 우연히 사냥을 나갔던 프리츠는 나치 경비대를 피해 도망 중이던 유태인 앨버트를 만나게 되고 이를 딱하게 생각한 프리츠는 그를 자신의 집에 숨겨 주게 된다. 하지만 이를 불편하게 생각하는 엠마 때문에 프리츠는 마음이 편치 않지만 집안의 모든 허드렛일을 도맡아 하는 앨버트의 성실함에 프리츠는 호감을 가지게 되고 앨버트에게 충격적인 제안을 하게 되는데...
Familie Windscheidt - Der ganz normale Wahnsinn
Norbert Jonas
1945년 봄 연합군의 폭격 후 독일의 저항은 붕괴된다. 나치였던 아버지는 자살하고 어머니가 감옥에 간 뒤 로어는 여동생 리즐, 쌍둥이 남동생 귄터와 위르겐 그리고 막내 페터와 함께 남겨진다. 그들은 살아남기 위해 전쟁의 상흔으로 피폐해진 독일 땅을 가로질러 900km 떨어진 북부지역의 할머니 집으로 가야만 한다. 패배한 조국의 혼돈을 목격하면서 로어는 신비스러운 분위기의 젊은 유태인 난민 토마스를 만난다. 환영 받지 못한 채 토마스는 로어의 가족을 따라가게 되고 로어는 혐오와 열망이 교차하는 미묘한 감정을 느낀다. 유태인인 토마스에 대해 로어는 저항과 편치 못할 친절함을 느끼지만 토마스의 도움을 받아가며 점차적으로 로어와 그녀의 동생들은 가까워진다. 하지만 로어가 토마스를 믿어야 할까? 믿지 않는다면 그녀의 동생들은 어떻게 될까? 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까? 로어는 전쟁 후 황폐화된 현실을 직시하며 사랑, 죄 그리고 용서의 본질에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
Das Ende einer Maus ist der Anfang einer Katze
Guido Möller
Promising the Moon
Throughout her life Marga has shown little feeling for her daughter Sofia. But now she reveals fear, wounds and a deep longing for her long-deceased husband Juris. She becomes increasingly lost in her forgetfulness and suddenly demands, like a child, gentleness. It’s an uncomfortable situation for Sofia who must now take care of her mother. Sofia’s growing realization that Marga’s past also affects her own gives Sofia impetus to make a sudden journey with her mother to Riga. This is where Marga grew up and where she married Juris. But the more Sofia learns about her mothers, the less clear it becomes who she herself is.
Adel Dich
Freiherr Maximilian von Rhönburg-Lich
Wendel's suspicions are confirmed. For as long as he can remember he has believed that he was switched at birth. In the shock of retirement, he decides to finally get to the bottom of the matter. A lock of hair from his deceased mother allows only one conclusion in the DNA test. Wendel is not Wendel. But then who is he? In search of his presumably aristocratic origins, he meets a countess who is as resolute as she is fascinating.
Der Verdacht
Hanno Reichardt
A German energy engineer has been found dead in a burnt-out car off the main road in the African Namib desert. The Namibian police rule out an accident and the victim's wife and business partner Maja Reichardt is suspected to be involved in the death of her husband. She has only two hours to convince the German embassy staff of her innocence. If she fails she will be transferred to the local judiciary facing months of pretrial detention. Unfortunately diplomatic officer Kirsten Buresch who has to take the final decision feels that Maja is suffering from paranoia and therefore might have had a reason to kill her husband.
Seventeen-year-old Thomas and his father Niels spend their summer holidays at the Spanish coast. But their father and son time out takes a turn when a boat with African refugees sinks close to their hotel. One of them is 20-year-old Djamile. On a motorbike tour Thomas runs into Djamile and quickly decides to hide her from the Spanish authorities and the smugglers who brought her to Europe. When Niels and Angelica, Thomas’ teacher and his father’s love affair, learn about Thomas’ secret the situation is getting even more explosive. Niels does not support his son’s plans at all. Naive but passionate Thomas struggles to find a way to save Djamile. Deeper and deeper, he explores an unknown world of desperation, hope, greed, violence, betrayal, sorrow and... love.
Das Haus ihres Vaters
Dr. Georg Jacob
The happily married judge Susanne has been carrying a secret with her for many years. As a 17-year-old, she released her baby for adoption. But a letter now confronts them with the past: Paolo, the Italian father of her girl, has died and has inherited his house in Tuscany to the unknown daughter. Despite better knowledge, Susanne sets out in search of her lost daughter - endangering the happiness of two families.
Der Gesang des Windes
Dr. Haugland
Where to with Dad?
Thomas Lerner
2 für alle Fälle - Ein Song für den Mörder
Dr. Olaf Sander
A Summer Without Gitti
A short film by Maren Ade, using re-cut material from 'Everyone Else'.
Woche für Woche
Paul Weingarten
에브리원 엘스
While on a Mediterranean vacation, a seemingly happy boyfriend and girlfriend find their connection to one another tested as they bond with another couple.
Der Sonnenhof
Financial Officer Katharina Kamp has to collect tax debts from the stud owner Carl von Balkhausen. She arranges a local appointment, but the grumpy squire ignores her. When Katharina unexpectedly loses her brother and his wife in an accident, she initially has very different worries. She lovingly takes care of her niece Lara, who survived the accident and now sits in a wheelchair indefinitely. By chance, Carls and Katharina's paths intersect again. He and his horses work wonders for Lara and Katharina.
No Room for Gerold
Roger (voice)
Three roomates, a rhinoceros, hippo and a wildebeest, must confront their crocodile roomate Gerold about his poor habits.
Pastor Gerhard Müller
Die Mandantin
Windows on Monday
A new house in a new town could mean the beginning of a phase of domestic bliss for a small family. Nina, a doctor, has taken a few days off. Her husband Frieder is busy laying tiles, while their daughter Charlotte plays in her new room. But Nina is having her doubts; she stands about in the half-empty rooms, feeling thoroughly alienated. Suddenly, without saying a word, she decides to leave...
Dirk Assmann
Jena Paradies
Bettgeflüster & Babyglück
A baby is supposed to crown the dreamlike marriage of the divorce attorneys Pia and Uli, but the success of all their efforts – ranging from “sex on a schedule” to artificial insemination – fails to materialize. When Pia learns that Uli has cheated on her during this difficult period, she immediately files for a divorce. But Uli fights stubbornly for the custody of the deep-frozen oocytes which have remained from the artificial insemination.
Christopher 'Toffel' Parz
They've Got Knut
Set in the early '80s, a time when a new wave of leftist political consciousness and activism had swept German youth (and was just about to disappear as quickly as it arrived), this satiric comedy follows a young couple, Ingo (Hans-Jochen Wagner) and Nadja (Valerie Koch), as they travel to Austria for a weekend of skiing near her parent's luxurious chalet. While Ingo and Nadja have an open relationship, he thinks its time that they commit to one another exclusively, and is hoping this weekend will convince her this is a good idea. However, their privacy is interrupted when several guests arrive -- friends of Nadja's brother Knut (Ingo Haeb), a noted political activist, who, unbeknownst to her, has also planned a ski weekend. As the guests await Knut's arrival, they get the unpleasant news that he's been arrested during a demonstration; several propose that they should come to his aid, while the majority decide instead to go skiing as a way to pay tribute to his commitment to the cause.