William Diver

참여 작품

The Robber Bride
Journalist Zenia Arden has disappeared. When her finger turns up on the shores of Lake Ontario next to her blood-soaked car, the police believe they've uncovered a homicide.
Riot at the Rite
In the spring of 1913, Parisian businessman Gabriel Astruc opens a new theater on the Champs Elysées. The first performance is the premiere of Igor Stravinsky's 'The Rite of Spring', danced by the Ballet Russes. The rehearsal process is extremely fraught: the orchestra dislike Stravinsky's harsh, atonal music; the dancers dislike the 'ugly' choreography of Vaslav Nijinsky. The volatile, bisexual Nijinsky is in a strained relationship with the much older Sergei Diaghilev, the Ballet Russes' charismatic but manipulative impresario. Public expectation is extremely high after Nijinsky's success in 'L'apres-midi d'un faune'. Finally, 'The Rite of Spring' premieres to a gossip-loving, febrile, fashion-conscious Parisian audience sharply divided as to its merits.
This Little Life
A powerful one-off drama written by Rosemary Kay , winner of the BBC's Dennis Potter award for new screenwriting. Sadie and Richie MacGregor are thrown into the terrifying world of neo-natal intensive care when their son Luke is born prematurely. Willed on by his desperate parents, he gradually grows in strength - but as Sadie develops a unique bond with her son, her relationship with Richie begins to suffer.
A librarian begins a passionate affair with a mysterious woman who walks into his library. When she suddenly disappears he travels down to London to search for her only to discover that she has three identities - dancer, dominatrix and con-woman. But which one is the real Miranda?
The Stringer
Vadik Chernyshov is an impoverished dreamer who spends his life drifting though Moscow with a video camera, hoping to shoot footage that will interest Western press agencies. He falls in love with the beautiful Helen, an English media executive, and subsequently they must contend with the barriers that their different backgrounds present.
In a typical English working-class town, the juveniles have nothing more to do than hang around in gangs. One day, Alan Darcy, a highly motivated man with the same kind of youth experience, starts trying to get the young people off the street and into doing something they can believe in: Boxing. Darcy opens a boxing club, aiming to bring the rival gangs together.
Someone Else's America
This tale takes place in a bar. The Spanish Alonso and his blind mother run this place. Bay, who is Alonso's friend live here too. This story tells something about Alonso and Bay and the "American Dream".
긴 하루가 지나고
11살 소년 버드는 사랑하는 엄마와 가족들이 곁에 있지만, 외롭고 슬프다. 더구나 버드는 자신을 괴롭히는 아이들과 압제적인 선생님들 때문에 학교 생활에 적응하기가 더욱 힘들고, 겉돌기만 한다. 그런 버드에게 있어 유일한 위안은 동네 영화관에 가는 것이다. 카메라는 버드의 음울한 기억과 버드가 바라보는 어른들의 세계를 유영하듯 뒤쫓는다. 데이비스는 확고한 스타일과 특유의 재기 넘치는 연출로 다시금 자신의 어린 시절이 투영된 아름다운 서정시를 만들어냈다. 데이비스의 유연한 카메라는 시간과 기억을 뒤섞고, 버드의 상상과 실제 세계의 경계를 무너뜨린다. 버드 역을 맡은 아역 배우 리 맥코맥의 연기는 표정 하나, 몸짓 하나에서까지 절절함이 묻어난다. 영화의 마지막 부분에 쓰인 곡은 바로 영화의 제목과 같은데, 영국의 유명 작곡가 아서 설리번이 만들었으며, 장송곡으로 자주 쓰인다. (2014 영화의 전당 - 영국영화의 심장: 마이크 리 & 테렌스 데이비스)
Caught Looking
Caught Looking sees a lonely gay man attempt to explore his sexual fantasies with the help of an interactive computer game, guiding his virtual reality persona through a series of potential encounters (naval rough trade, a moustachioed 'clone', a 50s muscle man) while offering wry commentary on the shifting landscape of queer cruising. But is it love he’s really looking for?
A young actress becomes politically aware within the Paris Commune of 1871.
Set in the not to distant apocalyptic future. Earth is under invasion from computer/arcade aliens, tensions run high and teenagers still want to 'go out'.
The Dressmaker
In England during World War II, a repressed dressmaker and her sister struggle looking after their 17-year-old niece, who is having a delusional affair with an American soldier.
먼 목소리, 계속되는 삶
영국 리버풀을 배경으로 한 테렌스 데이비스 감독의 자전적인 영화. 남다를 것 없는 평범한 가정의 세 남매 중 장녀인 아일린은 결혼식을 준비하며 세상을 떠난 아버지를 추억한다. 기억 속의 아버지는 폭력적이고 억압적이었지만 동시에 약한 모습을 숨기고 있다. 1988년 칸영화제 국제비평가연맹상, 1988년 로카르노영화제 대상 수상
먼 목소리, 계속되는 삶
영국 리버풀을 배경으로 한 테렌스 데이비스 감독의 자전적인 영화. 남다를 것 없는 평범한 가정의 세 남매 중 장녀인 아일린은 결혼식을 준비하며 세상을 떠난 아버지를 추억한다. 기억 속의 아버지는 폭력적이고 억압적이었지만 동시에 약한 모습을 숨기고 있다. 1988년 칸영화제 국제비평가연맹상, 1988년 로카르노영화제 대상 수상
Making Waves
A group of elderly women go on vacation to the seaside. One of them takes her son along and constantly watches him saying he has a brain tumor. His problem is something else entirely.
The Terence Davies Trilogy
These three semi-autobiographical short films by Terence Davies follow the journey of Robert Tucker, first seen as a hangdog child in "Children" (1976), then as a hollow-eyed middle-aged man in "Madonna and Child" (1980), and finally as a decrepit old man in "Death and Transfiguration" (1983). Dreamlike and profoundly moving.
Death and Transfiguration
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back.
Death and Transfiguration
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for his cheerful but dying mother; he's a lad at Catholic school, practicing his catechism, going to confession for the first time, receiving the Eucharist, surrounded by the singing of a children's choir. In middle age, he looks through his scrapbook of photographs of muscular men; he recalls lovers and his mother's cremation. A nurse sits beside him on his last night; in his last breath, he reaches forward and back.
Outlaw: The Saga of Gisli
Based on the saga of Gísli Súrsson, one of the Icelandic Sagas.
Assistant Editor
When architect Stephen Booker loses his partnership, he finds jobs hard to come by, and with money in short supply, he unwittingly becomes involved in a daring scheme to rob one of London's biggest bank vaults.
Madonna and Child
The second part of Terence Davies' trilogy revolving around Liverpudlian Robert Tucker, focusing on the character's efforts in middle-age to come to terms with his homosexuality.
Assistant Editor
데번에 사는 부부 안소니와 레이첼은 클로슬리라는 이상한 여행객을 만난다. 크로슬리는 사람을 죽일 수 있는‘치명적인 외침’인 호주 원주민들의 샤머니즘을 알려주고, 이로 인해 평범했던 부부의 삶은 끔찍한 방향으로 흘러간다. 로버트 그레이브의 짧은 소설을 기반으로 한 이 영화는 70년대 만들어진 초현실주의 스릴러 '위커맨'이나 '지금 뒤돌아 보지 마라'와 같은 영화들과 맥을 같이한다. 독특한 내러티브와 전례 없는 사운드 효과로 1970년대 후반 영국 공포영화의 초석이 된 작품.
Robert Tucker, a young gay man who is almost without affect, sits in various waiting rooms. As he sits, he recalls events from the year of his childhood when his father dies. He's ten or eleven that year, picked on by bullies at the Catholic school he attends. He seems friendless. At home, his mother is quiet, his father is ill and angry. After his father's death, there's a wake, the coffin arrives, the body is removed. The lad grieves, alone.
Production Assistant
17세기 영국의 사회개혁가인 제라드 윈스탠리의 삶과 최초의 코뮌, ‘디거스’의 작은 혁명을 다룬 역사물. 윈스탠리의 추종자인 ‘디거스’, 일명 ‘땅 파는 사람들’은 성 조지 언덕에 농사를 지으려고 모인 일종의 아나키즘 공동체였다. 대지주와 정부의 반감을 산 이들은 결국 권력의 탄압에 무너졌으나, 토지사유를 반대하고 재산공유제를 요구한 혁신적 시도는 후일 많은 사회주의사상가들에게 깊은 영감을 남겼다. 철저한 역사적 고증이 돋보이는 이 놀라운 영화는 개봉 당시 철저히 외면당했지만, 후일 미국평론가들에 의해 ‘저평가된 걸작’으로 재발견된다.
An elderly man takes a hypnotic journey through his memories in the moments before his death.
An elderly man takes a hypnotic journey through his memories in the moments before his death.