Zane Sietniece

참여 작품

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Character Voice (voice)
라트비아의 현대사를 개인적 경험에 녹여 설득력 있게 보여주는 애니메이션. 소련 치하에서 공산주의 교육을 받으며 자란 소녀는 누구보다 모범적인 학생이 되려 한다. 학교에서 하라는 대로 잘 따르며 누구보다 앞장서는 학생 대표를 꿈꾼다. TV에선 늘 독일 나치나 서방 제국주의자들에 맞서는 소련군의 활약을 보여주고 소녀 역시 공산주의 전사가 되고자 한다. 소녀에게 이해가 안 되는 것은 할아버지가 공산주의를 좋아하지 않는다는 것이다. 자신이 사랑하는 사람들이 겪은 일들을 알게 되면서 소녀는 차츰 공산주의로부터 멀어지게 된다. 애니메이션 속에 다큐멘터리처럼 실제 있었던 사건의 화면과 실존 인물들이 등장하는 형식을 취한 작품.
Hike '44
“Hike '44" is a personal story by director Lauris Abele and cinematographer Marcis Abele about how to maintain humanity when the world falls apart. The protagonist of the film, Melita Abele (89), retraces her refugee path from 1944, when, at the age of 14, she had to leave her home at the beginning of winter. Asking strangers for shelter, spend nights in the woods until she found refuge and warm hearts. Through the use of animation, the viewer will be guided through Melita's memories on a journey through recent and present-day Latvia until a series of events brings Melita to what she has been trying to accomplish for 75 years.
The Curonians
Curonians is a historical documentary about one of the ancient Baltic tribes. The Curonians lived in the western parts of modern-day Latvia from the 5th until the 16th century. They eventually merged with other Baltic peoples to form the Latvian nation. The docu-mentary utilizes reenacted scenes, interviews with known historians and 3D animation to tell the story of this brave warrior tribe. They were feared even by their Scandinavian neighbors and remained one of the last remaining pagan tribes in Europe. Evidence of Curonian rituals can be found as late as the 19th century. The film offers a brief insight into their lives, culture, customs and beliefs. It tells about their moments of strength, victory and also their defeats.