Synopsis: Earth has completely succumbed to an alien invasion, and the planet, which was once everyone's home, has become a hell. To stop the monsters from invading, the guard troops formed by different countries have disregarded their personal safety to defend what is left. Cheng Ling, who barely survived the times by scavenging from the garbage, met Zhu Rong's team when he was being attacked by an alien hellhound. With the help of Gao Ren and the others, Cheng Ling believes that it's destiny that leads him here, so he decided to accept the mission to destroy the aliens' evil plans and search for new hope for humanity. Along the way, the team was encircled by the plunderers and chased by hellhounds. They met Dr. Dojepamo, who had mastered the technology to subdue the hellhounds. When the group finally arrived at the resistance point, they discovered that the so-called resistance point was just a trap set by the hellhound hunters. The real danger has just begun...
스톰 보안 회사의 타이거 팀은 보안과 구조 작업을 담당한다.루는 구조 작업 중 실수로 인질을 다치게 한 이유로 강등되어 수송 업무만 담당하게 되고 보상을 받지 못한다.이때, 타이거 팀은 국제평화재단의 새로운 임무를 맡게 된다. 정수 장치와 작물용 씨앗이 가득한 트럭을 가지고 민간 지원을 위해 '사키야' 지역으로 호송해야 한다. 그러나 사키야 내부에 범죄 조직이 침입해 일부 지역은 전쟁을 치르게 되고, 타이거 팀원들은 전투에 휘말리게 되는데…