German Golub

German Golub

프로필 사진

German Golub

참여 작품

Second Assistant Director
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
The Best of Salieri
Camera Operator
It is time to get out of the closet and show the world your teeth. The director, who considers himself to be Mozart, has been tootling with his films in the festival circuit for years, waiting for a big breakthrough. For an inexplicable reason, the world has not recognised his talent. Still only Salieris have garnered the fame and the fortune. There is a simple conclusion. The world has not learned anything in 200 years and keeps repeating the same mistake.
Uku's passions are travel, food and sex. His last day starts out with all 3 in mind and as luck would have it, he meets Briis, who has very similar tastes. If only we all had more time to do what we love.
My Dear Corpses
Unexpectedly evicted from his house, Erki faces a rather difficult task to take care of his lonely mother. He’s forced to agree to become a corpse carrier.
My Dear Corpses
Unexpectedly evicted from his house, Erki faces a rather difficult task to take care of his lonely mother. He’s forced to agree to become a corpse carrier.
스파이 워
Third Assistant Director
1939년 8월, 유럽 전역은 전쟁의 발 앞에서 공포에 떨고 있다. 당시 에스토니아는 스탈린의 소련과 히틀러의 제3국(히틀러 치하의 독일을 일컫는 말)에 맞서 홀로 서있었는데, 국가의 반(反) 소비에트 정보국장이 살해되면서 치명적인 타격을 입게 되며 그들 내각 내의 스파이에 대한 의혹이 제기된다. 불가사의한 이중첩자를 찾는 임무를 맡은 에스토니아 스파이 펠릭스 캉구르는 반역자를 쫓기 위해 나선다. 세계, 정치, 군사적 사건들이 걷잡을 수 없는 속도로 전개됨과 동시에 독일과 소련이 폴란드를 침공하려는 움직임을 보이고, 그 와중에 펠릭스는 그 뒤에 숨겨진 소름 끼치는 계획을 발견하게 된다. 바로 소련의 붉은 군대가 에스토니아를 무력으로 합병하기 위한 비밀 작전을 계획하고 있었던 것이다. 양국에 파괴적인 결과를 가져올 이 사건을 막기 위해, 펠릭스는 폴란드 미술사학자인 마리아와 비밀 관계를 맺기로 하는데…