Henri Guisol

Henri Guisol

출생 : 1904-10-12, Aix-en-Provence, France

사망 : 1994-05-11

프로필 사진

Henri Guisol

참여 작품

Les assassins associés
The Count of Monte Cristo
L'abbé Faria
Edmund Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmund of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmund escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmund must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him.
Murder at 45 R.P.M.
Georges Meliot
Danielle Darrieux stars in this French thriller as a singer having an affair with her accompanist. When her husband dies in an automobile accident, the two lovers suspect each other of having murdered him. Soon after, they receive 45 rpm records with the dead man’s voice, threatening to come back.
Minuit treize
Le juge Dubois
The Twilight Girls
Christian Brenner
A beautiful and sophisticated teenager is placed in a regimented French girls' boarding school after her father apparently commits suicide over a business scandal. She immediately gains admirers -- a lustful middle-aged artist, a handsome young composer, a fellow female student -- as well as a jealous rival. With the help of her schoolmates, she attempts to elope with the composer, but the adults catch on to the plot, and she is locked into her room at night.
롤라 몽테스
Horsema Maurice
프랑수아 트뤼포가 ‘진정한 작가’로 평가했던 거장 막스 오퓔스의 마지막 영화. 시네마 스코프와 풍부한 색감의 테크니컬러 등 당시로서는 매우 혁신적인 스타일을 선보인, 영화사적으로 상당히 주요한 작품이다. 19세기 사교계를 풍미했던 롤라가 서커스단의 주인공으로 등장해 플래시 백을 통해 자신의 과거를 들려주는 형식의 이 영화는 당시 제작사의 횡포로 다양한 버전의 판본이 존재하면서 정당한 평가를 받지 못했다.
Fruits of Summer
Edouard Gravières
Sabine Gravières, married to Edouard, the High Commissioner for Criminal Youth, has a problem: Juliette, her daughter, is not only pregnant but she also refuses to marry Claude, the young man who got her pregnant. It is fair to say that the model set by Juliette's parents is far from ideal. Aware at last of the problem, Sabine decides to try and make it up with her husband.
Le Fil à la patte
Claude Bertrand
Theodora, Slave Empress
Giovanni di Cappadocia
Teodora, a Roman courtesan and former slave girl, marries the Roman emperor Justinian and assumes the throne as Empress of Rome. But the divide between nobility and slave is too great. Teodora seeks justice for her people, and revolution and armed conflict erupt in both Byzantium and Rome.
The Midnight Witness
Jacques Montet
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier writing. But his wife, a cold-hearted, money-minded, bossy woman won't allow. All the more as she is the one who supplies Jacques with the plots of his detective stories. When Jacques, yearning for true love, meets young, pretty Muriel, he can't stand the situation any longer. Fortunately - for him - the plot of the 101st detective story imagined by his wife is about a ... perfect crime. He simply has to follow her instructions to ... get rid of her. Everything goes according to plan until Jacques discovers a scary detail: the presence of a mysterious witness on the scene of the crime.
파리 이즈 올웨이즈 파리
M. Morand
A group of Italian soccer fans arrive in Paris for a match, but most of them go their separate ways to explore the sights, have a bit of an adventure, and maybe even find some romance.
Le clochard milliardaire
Olivier Cabrol is an immature young reveler who lives from hand to mouth. One day he inherits a fabulous fortune from an eccentric uncle. But on the one condition to spend a certain amount of time as a tramp. Olivier accepts out of sheer greed but soon finds the experience rewarding. He finds himself as well as new friends (true ones this time) and even love in the person of Colette.
Dream Ballerina
A young dancer, disappointed with her debut on stage, has three dreams: fame in dancing at the Paris Opera, wealth through her marriage to an important jeweler, and love in the person of a petty hood. Disappointed even in her dreams, the ballerina takes refuge in her art.
Bed for Two
Robert Bobin
Robert Bobin has been an assistant accountant for twenty years now and, although meek and obedient, is getting weary of his monotonous, limited life. He tries marriage but, unfortunately, Blanche, the nurse he marries, proves to be a shrew. One day, a miracle happens : Michèle, a young orphan and fellow-worker gradually develops tender feelings for him. But will Robert be able to overcome his mediocrity and grasp this unexpected opportunity to find happiness?
Lady Paname
Jeff, un compositeur de chansons
The evocation of Paris in the 1920s mingles with the rapid rise of the irresistible Caprice, a talented singer, and her tumultuous love affair with Jeff the composer. A photographer nicknamed Bagnolet, a gentle anarchist, gently monitors the activities of Caprice, who has become Lady Paname and, in the absence of morality, makes love triumph.
Thus Finishes the Night
Prosecutor Georges Beryl
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
The Ladies in the Green Hats
Arlette and her brother are penniless orphans; as the man is to leave for Africa to work for a long time, the young girl is forced to live with her cousins, four spinsters, who place virtue over everything.
Métier de fous
Claude Martin
A very Parisian author cannot finish a comedy. It is ruin for the director of the theater, who has the idea of ​​taking his foal to the coast. There, recruited actors will perform a series of variations on the theme of heartaches to inspire him. After a number of misunderstandings, the operation succeeds.
3rd chimney on the right
Monsieur Charles
The difficulty in finding accommodation in Paris, will cause many stories, between some colorful characters.
Third at Heart
Maitre de Latour Martin had been reported missing during the war. Peace returned, he finds his two wives. Guilty of bigamy, he shelters the ladies in his home and a third woman arrives whom a dowry hunter had married thanks to the papers lost by the lawyer. Life at four is stormy and Maitre Latour regrets his life as a soldier.
Le secret du Florida
Three friends vacationing on the French Riviera open a bar on a yacht and are mistaken by the police for drug traffickers.
Once Is Enough
Christine Jourdan is a highly rated sculptor who, to oust her impresario Ancelin, invented a lover named Nicolas. Soon she marries Jacques, but he proves to be jealous of the supposed lover. The newspapers publishing the death of a Nicolas, Christine takes the opportunity to announce the death of her lover. But the man in question was murdered by a woman. Jacques and Ancelin suspect Christine and indulge in the worst eccentricities.
Christine se marie
Olivier, the journalist
In order to engage in life experiences, Christine takes the civil status of her three sisters to marry as many times.
Une femme coupée en morceaux
Four men in love with the same woman put on a music-hall show and travel the world in search of the beauty. They will find success and fortune, but their sentimental quest will be a failure.
Dorothy Looks for Love
André Vincent
To be able to win paradise, a selfish old billionaire, who has just died, must make someone happy. He will have to guide a young girl through the intricacies of love.
The Queer Assignment
Robert Dupont
A young man, Robert Dupont, with suicidal tendencies and a bit stupid to boot, is saved by a stranger who pretends to be a well-known banker. This stranger then entrusts him with a suitcase full of mysterious documents, which he asks him to take with him to Indochina. But in reality, the suitcase is stuffed with banknotes from a scam.
Box of Dreams
Pierre Forestier
Nicole tries to seduce a young man who lead a bohemian life in an untidy flat with his three pals.
Une femme disparaît
Le médecin
Retour de flamme
The professional and sentimental misadventures of Maurice, a young engineer who works unsuccessfully on the development of a new model of airplane.
Madame et le mort
Armand Le Noir
A person who had usurped the identity of a famous writer of detective stories was killed in the train. Why and by whom?
Two Shy Ones
Anatole Garadou
Jules Frémissin is shy and in love. The father of the object of his flame is also shy. The marriage proposal is very laborious, because before marrying Cécile Thibaudier, Jules must fight a duel with the arrogant Vancouver, convinced that all this eager and awkward courtship was intended for his own wife, also named Cécile.
Six Little Girls in White
On his fiftieth birthday, Serge Charan, a large industrialist overloaded with activities, decides to leave everything to go on an adventure. In a train heading for the Côte d'Azur, he meets six young girls returning to their boarding school. Arrived at their destination, Serge Charan rents, under an assumed name, a villa with a view of the garden of the boarding school. His presence arouses questions and the interest of young girls who are sensitive to his charm. But one of them, Simone, falls completely in love and runs away from boarding school.
Promise to the Unknown One
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
L'assassin a peur la nuit
Having pulled off a robbery with his friend Maurice, Olivier leaves his mistress Lola and hides out in a small village in the country. He finds work, thanks to a young man named Gilbert, who introduces him to his sister, Monique. Once the robbery has been all but forgotten, Olivier intends to head back to Paris, but before he goes, he steals money from his employer. In Paris, Olivier wants to say a proper goodbye to Lola, but she is being blackmailed by Jérôme, an antique dealer who has recognized a necklace stolen by Olivier. Before returning to Monique, Olivier calls on Jérôme to recover the necklace.
Gambling Hell
In Macao, where places of pleasure and arms trafficking are concentrated, a tragedy opposes an adventurer and his daughter whom he has brought up in ignorance of his profession. She is torn from her environment and saved from tragedy by a young journalist who loves her.
Blind Venus
Vénus aveugle (Blind Venus) is a 1941 French film melodrama, directed by Abel Gance, and one of the first films to be undertaken in France during the German occupation. Although the film is not set in any specified period, Gance wanted it to be seen as relevant to the contemporary situation in France. He wrote, "...La Vénus aveugle is at the crossroads of reality and legend... The heroine ... gradually sinks deeper and deeper into despair. Only when she has reached the bottom of the abyss does she encounter the smile of Providence that life reserves for those who have faith in it, and she can then go serenely back up the slope towards happiness. If I have been able to show in this film that elevated feelings are the only force that can triumph over Fate, then my efforts will not have been in vain."
Tobie Is an Angel
Tobie is a hopeless daydreamer. He always has his head in the clouds, and this inevitably gets him into trouble with his employer. In the end, Tobie loses his job as a fairground performer and sinks into a state of abject despair.
Thunder Over Paris
An international crook hunted by the police comes to Paris to save his daughter from the clutches of a blackmailer friend of a cabaret singer with eccentric outfits.
Law of the North
Dr. Milo
Robert Shaw slaughters his wife's lover and runs away with his secretary Jacqueline. Helped by a French trapper who takes them for film-makers, they hide in Northern Canada.
The World Will Shake
In this sci-fi film, a scientist invents a prescient machine that can tell people when they will die. Oddly enough, the people do not want to know and therefore begin to riot…
The Novel of Werther
Herr Werther, a new magistrate to the Grand Duchy of Walheim who is a violinist and poet, seems to have fate on his side as he meets and pursues a beautiful local woman, Charlotte. But as Werther sets to propose marriage, Charlotte reluctantly tells him she has been promised to another, Werther's superior, Judge Hochstätten. Werther and Charlotte decide to keep their romance from the judge and each descends into depression. Will they be able to keep their feelings a secret?
Three Waltzes
Brunner fils
"Les Trois Valses" traces the love story of two people over three eras. In the first waltz (music based on Johann Strauss I), Yvonne is a sensitive Parisian ballet dancer, whose romance with a dashing officer is brought to an abrupt end by his family. She goes off to Vienna to become a big star. In the second waltz, her daughter, an even bigger star, but now of Paris music halls, has a brief flirtation with the rakish man-about-town who is the son of suitor number one. She throws him over pretty quickly for a chance to shine at a Gala performance. Finally, in the third waltz, the two get together, when she is a movie star, and he is posing as an insurance salesman.
A Foolish Maiden
A middle-aged Parisian lawyer meets a young girl and falls in love with her. The girl's mother discovers the affair and the couple must flee.
Bizarre, Bizarre
Buffington - un journaliste alcoolique
A French farce set in Victorian London where a botanist and his wife get into trouble when they pretend to go missing in order to hide from their sanctimonious cousin - an Anglican bishop who is leading a campaign against such writing.
Double Crime in the Maginot Line
le lieutenant Capelle
Commander d'Espinac is found murdered. Having argued the day before the murder with Captain Bruchot, he is accused. The captain will have to conduct his own investigation if he wants to clear himself. His suspicions will fall on one of the three officers attached to his unit.
The Messenger
Nick, a Parisian businessman, divorces his rich American wife, marries his new secretary Marie, but is prevented from success in France so travels without his wife to an African outpost. He tells his young assistant Gilbert about his wife. When Gilbert takes sick and returns to Paris, he begins to fall in love with Marie.
Confessions of a Newlywed
Coco de La Baule
A timid young man marries the daughter of the entomologist he works for. On the train for their honeymoon, he takes his young wife in his arms when a customs officer suddenly enters the compartment. The groom is now inhibited.
The Terrible Lovers
After a year of turbulent marriage Annette and Daniel get a divorce, and each marries again. However, they meet again on the French Riviera and are tempted to give in to their old passion...
랑주씨의 범죄
The Son, Meunier
거의 파산할 위기를 맞은 소규모 출판사의 사장 바탈라가 회사의 돈을 갖고 사라지자, 이 회사의 직원인 랑주는 다른 직원들과 함께 회사를 공동으로 운영한다. 이제 회사가 성공적으로 자리를 잡아갈 무렵, 바탈라가 갑자기 나타나 출판사의 소유권을 주장한다. 결국 랑주는 이 문제를 원만히 처리하기 위해서는 바탈라를 처리하는 길밖에 없다고 생각한다.
The Green Domino
Max Perez
나는 이 영화에서 사실주의라 불리는 스타일에 처음 근접했다. 이 영화는 내 영화경력의 전환점이다 - 장 르누아르 라 푸샤르디에르의 소설을 각색한 작품. 몽마르트 거리에서 실제 촬영, 녹음된 프랑스 최초의 현장녹음 영화이다. 르누아르는 원작의 희극성에 초점을 맞추지 않고, 사랑에 빠진 한 중년남자가 타락해 가는 과정을 비극적으로 그려내고 있다. 30년대 프랑스 시적 리얼리즘 영화의 가장 중요한 배우 중 한 명인 미셸 시몽이 주인공 르그랑 역을 맡아 빼어난 연기를 보여준다. 르누아르의 영원한 주제인 '삼각관계'를 다룬 영화로, 촬영 후 배우들이 실제 삼각관계에 빠지기도 했다. 르누아르의 30년대 전성기를 여는 작품으로 흥행도 크게 성공했다. 후에 프리츠 랑이 로 리메이크한 작품.