René Hofschneider

René Hofschneider

출생 : 1960-01-01, Detmold

프로필 사진

René Hofschneider

참여 작품

Alles Verbrecher: Eiskalte Liebe
Rüdiger Vogelsang
You: an experienced vixen with the fashion sense of a random generator. He: an Italian pretty boy who swallowed all American action films with his mother's milk. Together are Herta Frohwitter, played by Ulrike Krumbiegel, and her assistant Marco Petrassi, played by Daniel Rodic Frankfurt's new investigator duo. They successfully fight "Verbräschä" and also the quirks of each other. The first common case leads them to a wedding fair. Rosi Döpfner, a hotel manager who is no longer completely fresh, reports her fiancé Rüdiger Vogelsang as missing.
Before The Concert
Der Cellist
Before the concert, three scenes from the life of a successful classical cellist, who finds fulfillment and refuge in music. However, as the precarious balance in which he has set up his life suddenly wavered, a roller coaster of emotions becomes a roller coaster of a normal day before a concert.
Mr. Nanny - Ein Mann für Mama
Benno Krüger
Brautpaar auf Probe
Peter Lehmann
Alleinerziehende Mutter Leslie geht aus lauter Verzweiflung eine Scheinehe mit Koofi ein, der seinen Job als Computerfachmann aufgrund einer Flaute in der Branche verloren hat und damit auch seine Blue Card. Ein Beamter der Ausländerbehörde jedoch schöpft verdacht. Nun müssen Koofi und Leslie alles daran legen, eine glaubwürdige Ehe vorzuspielen.
Geheimnis der Karibik
Rolf Gerdes
Ein Zwilling ist nicht genug
D.I.K. - Jagd auf Virus X
Dr. Arnold Trompetter
...and It Is Only the Beginning
Michael Fuhrmann
Those who follow a voice aren't crazy. They're in love.
Tut mir leid wegen gestern
Dana Lech
Berlin, December 1989. Dana Lech from Poland has been living with her German-Italian boyfriend in the western part of the city for several months. After the fall of the wall, her Polish ex-boyfriend Jan suddenly appears at the door and shows her the conflict with which she lives. She stands between the former and the new partner, between her past and the present, between her old homeland Poland and a Germany in which the border between East and West has fallen. Dana tries to find her own way between all these contradictions.
유로파 유로파
Salomon's Brother Isaak Perel
2차대전중 나치 치하에서 살아남기 위해 출생을 가장해야 했던 유태인 소년의 실제 있었던 생존기를 치밀하게 그려낸 작품이다. 평범한 소년 솔로몬(마르코 호르슈나이더)은 독일의 유태인 탄압으로 가족과 함께 폴란드로 이주한다. 하지만 독일군이 폴란드까지 밀고 들어오자 솔리와 형만이 안전한 곳으로 피난을 간다. 피난 도중 어린 솔로몬은 형을 놓치고 홀로 남게 된다. 이때부터 솔로몬의 생존을 위한 노력이 시작된다. 소련령 고아원에 들어간 솔로몬은 "스탈린"을 외침으로써 살아남고 독일군에게 잡혔을 때는 독일인으로 위장하여 인정을 받는다. 훌륭한 독일 군인으로 청년나치학교에 보내진 솔로몬은 그 안에서도 두각을 보이는 학생으로 활동한다. 하지만 솔로몬은 유태인이고 유태인을 죽이는 훈련을 거듭하는 나치학생들 속에서 솔로몬은 갈등을 겪게 된다. 그 와중에 연합군과 독일군 전투에 배치된 솔로몬은 연합군에게 항복한다. 연합군이 유태인이라는 솔로몬의 말을 믿어주지 않아 죽게 되었을 때 그곳에서 잃어버렸던 형을 만나 살아남게 된다.
Letzten Sommer in Kreuzberg
The Family or Schroffenstein
The aristocratic families of Rossitz and Warwand, who are relatives, have started to treat each other with mistrust and hatred, since a testamentary contract has stated, that the complete goods will be inherited to the respective surviving line. At the same time the young generation is in love, how can the tender ties between Agnes of Warwand and Ottokar of Rossitz be protected? Killed by their own fathers, they lie in their blood. A radical drama about the term "family". (