Park Young-sook

Park Young-sook


Feminist photographer Park Young-sook was born in 1941. She studied originally History at the Sookmyung Women's University where she also completed her graduate studies in Photography and Design. She began to exhibit photography works in 1966 and her then extraordinary female awareness was visualized in a certain exhibition, in 1975. It was her solo exhibition organized by 'Women's Association' to commemorate 'International Women's Year', established by the United Nations. Park exhibited various photographs subjectifying social issues including women's reality today under the theme of . From 1981 she continues to be bold and active with her stature as a feminist at the age of 40. Park is best known for her portrait work, "Mad Women Project".

프로필 사진

Park Young-sook

참여 작품

한국영화에서의 여성의 이미지를 '판타 다큐'(Fanta Dacu)'라는 새로운 형식으로 접근한 영화. 1950년대 한국영화 속 여성들의 아릅답고도 도전적인 이미지를 보여준다. 감독은 “한국영화사를 공부하고 가르치면서 기존의 한국영화 관련 다큐멘터리가 남성 중심 시작으로만 되어 있는 것이 안타까웠다”며 여성의 눈으로 보는 한국 영화를 담고 싶었다고 밝혔다. 50년대부터 현재까지 한국 영화의 방대한 사료를 뒤져 제작되었다.