Young Briain
A young Christian boy attends a druid worship that is attacked by invading Irish tribes. Taken captive, he is taken back to Ireland to become a slave. Enduring many hardships, he finds comfort and eventually salvation in his faith. After several years, he escapes back to England, where he joins a convent to prove his faith. His greatest desire is to return to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity. Years later, he is given the opportunity. Upon setting foot on the Irish soil, all snakes are aitomatically driven from the land. He then overcomes many obstacles, including disagreements with the British Cardinal (Malcolm McDowell), to fulfill his destiny and ultimately being given Sainthood.
1794년, 흑한의 북극 바다가 배 주위로 얼어붙자 북극 정상을 향해 돌진하던 윌튼 선장(Ship Captain Walton: 에이단 퀸 분)이 얼음구덩이에서 반미치광이 빅터 프랑켄슈타인(Victor Frankenstein: 케네스 브래너 분)을 구해주면서 시작된다. 빅터는 자신의 끔찍한 이야기를 선장에게 털어놓는다. 목가적인 어린 시절을 보낸 빅터에게 어느날 어머니(Victor's Mother: 체리 룬히 분)가 돌아가시면서 불행이 엄습한다. 그는 대학에 입학하기 위해 아버지(The Father: 이안 홈 분)와 동생 그리고 입양한 여동생 엘리자벳(Elizabeth: 헬레나 혼햄 카터 분)을 떠나야 했다. 엘리자벳과는 서로 사랑하는 사이지만 표현할 수 없다. 새로운 지방에서 친구 헨리(Henry Clavell: 톰 헐스 분)를 사귀고, 빅터는 사악하고 호기심많은 윌드만 박사(Mentor, Dr. Waldeman: 존 크리즈 분)를 알게 되어 위험한 창조물 실험에 빠져들게 된다. 설상가상으로 이 마을에는 콜레라가 엄습하고 빅터는 이를 이용해 시체를 실험실에 옮겨놓고 창조물(The Creature: 로버트 드니로 분)을 만드는데 성공한다. 생각보다 끔찍한 자신의 창조물에 아연실색한 빅터는 충격과 함께 자신의 연인 엘리자벳 곁으로 도망을 친다. 그러나 지능이 높은 괴물은 그동안 말을 익히고 빅터를 찾아나선다. 이토록 흉직한 나를 만든, 빅터가 빚어낸 불행의 창조물은 복수를 시작한다.
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Sound Mixer
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Sound Editor
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Director of Photography
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Executive Producer
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?
Vaccines – Few topics conjure such strong emotional reactions – dividing friends, families and nations. Are they the miracle life-saving intervention that some claim they are, or are they a dangerous and unnecessary means to private profit at public cost?