Key Animation
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim.
Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble.
With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
Key Animation
2016년 9월 방영 결정된 페르소나 5의 특집 TV 애니메이션이다. 스토리는 애니메이션 오리지널이지만, 본편의 '서브 에피소드'와 밀접하게 연결되는 형태로 전개된다. 요즘 항간에 나도는 소문이 있다. 그것은 '괴도 부탁 채널'에 호소하는 글을 투고하면, 누군가에 의해 정의가 행해진다는 것이다. 한편 도심 시부야의 뒤편에서는 공갈과 협박에 이어, 음식점을 노리는 좀도둑단까지 설쳐대기 시작하는데…