Set Dresser
거대 제약회사 '엄브렐라'가 철수한 후 폐허가 된 '라쿤시티'. 어릴 적 끔찍한 사건을 겪고 고향을 떠났던 클레어가 돌아온 그날 밤, 라쿤시티는 좀비 바이러스에 감염되어 순식간에 지옥으로 돌변한다. 남은 시간은 7시간, 죽음의 도시를 탈출하라!
Set Dresser
In a future society, a young man named Darwin lives, like everyone else; in a small cement module with little more than a computer. One night, during a violent storm, lightning hits Darwin’s module and knocks out his computer, forcing him to venture outside. He is surprised to come across a beautiful young woman, living with her family in the woods, who teach him how to speak and show him the value of human contact. Meanwhile, the security forces have sent drones to search for and recapture him.
Set Dresser
성질머리 괴팍한 산타클로스 크리스 크링글은 망해가는 산타클로스 사업을 살리기 위해 애를 쓴다. 한편 조숙하고 못된 12살 꼬마 빌리는 산타로부터 석탄 덩어리를 선물로 받은 후 산타를 죽이기 위해 킬러를 고용하는데...
Set Dresser
Captain Grace Garland, a decorated U.S. veteran, returns home after two tours of Search and Rescue in Afghanistan. After being separated from her beloved K9 partner, Grace must rediscover the magic of Christmas. When she finds herself stranded in the town of River’s Crossing a couple weeks before Christmas, the local judge, Joe Peterson, offers her a place to stay on his property and takes it upon himself to show Grace everything she has been missing; Christmas, family, community, and love.
Set Dresser
모든 사람의 유일한 접속 수단이 컴퓨터뿐인 미래 세계에서 한 외로운 청년이 인간과의 접촉을 찾아 모험을 떠난다
Assistant Property Master
Natasha takes place over the course of one summer. It is the story of Mark Berman, 16, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants living in the suburbs north of Toronto. When his uncle enters into an arranged marriage with woman from Moscow, the woman arrives in Canada with her fourteen year-old daughter, Natasha. Mark, a slacker, is conscripted by his parents to take responsibility for the strange girl. He learns that, in Moscow, she’d led a troubled and promiscuous life. A secret and forbidden romance begins between the two of them that has bizarre and tragic consequences for everyone involved.