Toms Harjo

Toms Harjo

프로필 사진

Toms Harjo

참여 작품

Zinātniskās padomes sēde
Zinātniskās padomes sēde
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.
Three relationships deconstructed. The Red Couple choose to pretend to be harmonious for the last three days of living together. The Green Couple's three days are full of uncertainty and nervousness, waiting for the other to reveal themselves intimately. The Yellow Couple, two colleagues, will lose themselves in the workplace romance genre trying not to fall in love.