Madame Chanfrin
영화가 시작되면 여배우 캐롤 부케가 실명으로 등장해 위기에 처한 남자에 관한 증언을 한다.
그 남자는 유명한 코미디 배우이자 감독인 미셸 블랑. 이제 영화는 그에게 이상한 일들이 벌어지기 시작한 1년 전으로 돌아간다. 경찰이 찾아와 무임승차했다며 체포하질않나, 예정에도 없던 칸영화제에 나타나 마틸다 메이를 덮치려들고 샤를로트 생스부르의 지갑에서 돈을 훔치기까지 한다. 정작 미셸 자신은 이런일들이 어떻게 벌어졌는지 기억조차 할수 없다. 정신병이 아닐까 고민하던 그는 캐롤의 충고에 따라 시골로 가고 마침내 그와 똑같이 닮은 패트릭 올리버가 자신의 흉내를 내고 다님을 알게된다. 그런데 , 문제는 이제부터. 언제부턴가 주변사람들이 패트릭을 진짜 미셸 블랑으로 블랑을 뻔뻔스러운 사기꾼 패트릭으로 오해하기 시작하는 것이 아닌가...
A woman's fight to adopt a war baby from the Third World after becoming unable to conceive.
Drunk, Betty is feeling worse and worse, the previous evening is slowly coming back to her: her husband and her husband's family had criticized her harshly, had sent her away. But Betty hadn't wanted to get married in the first place. She knows that she always ruined everything, that she drinks to much, that she has had several affairs. Laure, who is taking care of her, suggests that Betty stay with her in the hotel where she lives, as long as Betty would like. Laure, too, finds solace and companionship in alcohol.
La concierge des éditions de Décembre
Fleeing fame, the writer Anatole Hirsch decides to publish his new book under the name of his cousin, Martin Bassane. This book wins the Prix Goncourt. A film inspired by the story of Romain Gary.
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
Assistant Editor