John Bach
출생 : 1946-06-05, Wales, UK
임신한 여주인공은 최근에 돌아가신 조부모의 옛집으로 돌아와 소원해진 어머니와 시간을 보낸다. 보잘 것 없는 재회로 시작된 것이 서서히 끔찍한 상황으로 변해가는데...
Judge Anderson
This docu-drama dives beneath the sensational headlines to unravel the truth about a murder case that rocked New Zealand and catapulted teenage dominatrix Renee Chignell and cricket umpire Peter Plumley Walker into the national consciousness.
Mayor Jock Johnson
1차 세계대전 참전용사였던 ‘톰’(마이클 패스벤더)은 전쟁의 상처로 사람들을 피해 외딴 섬의 등대지기로 자원한다. 그곳에서 만난 ‘이자벨’(알리시아 비칸데르)에게 마음을 열고 오직 둘만의 섬에서 행복한 생활을 시작한다. 하지만 사랑으로 얻게 된 생명을 2번이나 잃게 되고 상심에 빠진다. 슬픔으로 가득했던 어느 날, 파도에 떠내려온 보트 안에서 남자의 시신과 울고 있는 아기를 발견하고 이를 운명으로 받아들이며 완벽한 가정을 이룬다. 그러나 수년 후 친엄마 ‘한나’(레이첼 와이즈)의 존재를 알게 되고, 가혹한 운명에 놓인 세 사람 앞에는 뜻하지 않은 선택이 기다리고 있는데...
The Judge
Judgment Tavern tells the story of Lucia, a young girl carrying her father's living head as they search for his fleeing body. On a cold dark night, they take shelter in a small village tavern - where a mysterious stranger with unfinished business is waiting.
거대 제약회사의 여자 연구원 베스는 회사가 이미 수년 전에 암 치료제를 개발했다는 비밀을 알게 된다. 세상에 이 약을 알리려 하는 그녀와 이를 막기 위한 회사의 필사적인 추격! 끊임없이 생명의 위협에 처하는 상황에서 베스는 인류를 구원할 치료제를 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가…!
Ex-cop Murray(Tony Barry), is compelled to come out of retirement for one last case, when he finds out his old nemesis Frank (John Bach) is now in the Knightsbridge Gardens Retirement Village. In order to catch his man, Murray goes undercover by becoming a resident. He also discovers a world of sex, drugs and rocking chairs where life is lived and being old does not mean feeling past it. However Murray discovers that things are not always what they may seem to be.
Adapted from Renee's 1995 novel Does This Make Sense to You?, the TV movie lays bare the pain caused by forced adoptions inflicted on unwed and teenage mothers in 1950s and 60s Aotearoa
British Homeguard 1
현실의 세계로 돌아온 지 1년 후, 페번시 남매들은 마법의 힘에 의해 다시 나니아의 세계로 들어간다. 그러나 그곳은 이미 폐허로 변해 있었다. 나니아 시간으로 벌써 1,300년이란 세월이 흘렀던 것. 그 동안 나니아는 황금기의 종말을 고하고, 텔마린 족에게 점령되어 무자비한 미라즈 왕의 통치를 받고 있었다. 페번시 남매들을 나니아로 불러낸 건 텔마린 족의 진정한 왕위 계승자인 캐스피언 왕자였다. 삼촌 미라즈에게 왕위를 뺏긴 그는 나니아인들이 숨어 사는 숲 속으로 피신, 페번시 남매와 만난다. 캐스피언 왕자는 삼촌을 물리치고 왕위를 찾게 도와주면 나니아인들의 터전을 돌려 주겠다는 약속을 하는데...
Shot in the Leg Guy
어느 날 ‘골드릭’마을에는 소년 제프의 실수로 전설의 중국전쟁신 관디(관우)가 나타나고, 마을주민들이 무차별적으로 살해당한다. 영화배우 브루스 캠벨의 열혈팬 제프는 그를 납치해 그의 전작, 전설의 B호러무비 의 ‘애쉬’처럼, 관디와 싸워달라고 한다. 호러액션의 옷을 입은 브루스 캠벨표 코미디, 놓치지 말자!
15-year-old Davie Balfour is poised to receive a vast inheritance when he's lured onto a cargo ship, knocked unconscious, and kidnapped by his malevolent uncle Ebenezer, who devises a scheme to sell him into slavery. But Davie's unforeseen rescue at the hands of a Scottish rogue, Alan Breck, leaves them racing across the Scottish moors, with English bounty hunters in hot pursuit.
Air Marshal Leigh-Mallory
The story of the senior-level preparations for the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944 from the time of Dwight D. Eisenhower's appointment as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, to the establishment of the beachhead in Normandy.
사우론이 인간들의 마지막 요새인 곤도르를 향해 야욕을 드러내고 있는 한편, 아라곤은 쇠락해가고 있는 곤도르의 재건을 위해 왕위 계승을 신중하게 결정지어야만 하는 상황. 이제 중간대륙의 미래는 그의 어깨에 달려있는 것. 사우론이 이끄는 어둠의 군대와의 마지막 전투를 위해 간달프는 곤도르에 흩어져 있던 병사들을 모으고, 로한의 왕 세오덴에게 도움을 받기도 하지만 사우론의 군대에 비하면 열세를 면치 못한다. 그러나 그들은 중간대륙을 사우론의 야욕으로부터 지키려는 사명감과, 마지막 반지 운반자에게 임무를 끝낼 기회를 주기 위해 어둠의 군대를 향해 돌진하게 되는데...
9명의 반지원정대는 사우론의 세력에 맞서 반지를 지켜냈지만 반지 원정대는 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 된다. 메리와 피핀을 구하기 위해 우르크하이 군대를 추격하던 아라곤과 레골라스, 김리는 유령 숲에서 백색의 마법사로 부활한 마법사 간달프를 만나게 되고 사우론이 암흑세계의 두 개의 탑을 통합하여 점점 그 세력을 넓혀가고 있다는 사실을 듣게 된다. 이에 아라곤과 원정대는 중간계의 선한 무리의 통합을 이뤄 사우론의 세력을 견제해야 하는 큰 임무를 맡게 된다. 하지만 원수지간인 곤도르와 로한으로 나뉜 인간 종족의 통합은 쉽지 않고 게다가 로한의 왕마저 사루만에게 동화되는데...
Austen Leech
In 1943, U.S. marines are stationed near Wellington. One of them is murdered by the boss of the Hotel Workers Union, who is sitting pretty, exempt from military service and living it up on black market profits. Girls under the control of the union - of whom the victim's fiancee, Rose, is one - give sexual favours to the Americans, in return for information. The marine assigned to investigate the murder, tries to find Rose through a public health nurse who traces VD infections. However they discover there it more going on than they realized, involving a conspiracy amongst the Union, the government and the U.S. military.
Alexander Graham Bell
True story of Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone, inspired by his mother.
Frank MacPhee
High court judge Holly McPhee devises blueprints for criminal operations and offers them for sale to the crime world. Her scrupulous operation falls apart when she takes part in a multi-million dollar bank robbery and becomes an accessory to murder.
Ewan Murray
Former Welsh rugby hero Bleddyn Morgan has his life in New Zealand interrupted by a deathbed confession that leads to a replay of a controversial 1966 All Blacks/Wales rugby match - with the original teams. The now old men pull on their jerseys one more time while Morgan deals with his past on his return home. (from IMDB)
Major Roberts
On an obscure Pacific Island just north of Australia, the Japanese Empire has operated a prisoner of war camp for Australian soldiers. At the close of World War II, the liberated POWs tell a gruesome tale of mass executions of over eight hundred persons as well as torture style killings of downed Australian airmen. In an attempt to bring those responsible to justice, the Australian Army establishes a War Crimes Tribunal to pass judgement on the Japanese men and officers who ran the Ambon camp. In an added twist, a high ranking Japanese admiral is implicated, and politics become involoved with justice as American authorities in Japan lobby for the Admiral's release. Written by Anthony Hughes
William Karlin
A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
Donald Davidson
Based on a true story, The Heroes follows one of the most extraordinary and heroic exploits of World War II. After months of rigorous training in the north of Australia, a team of 14 men, most barely out of their teens, set sail from Cairns on board a leaky old fishing boat called 'The Krait'. Their mission, code-named Operation Jaywick, became a tense voyage through thousands of kilometres of Japanese held territory to launch a daring attack on Singapore Harbour. The raid is a success but within sight of safety they encounter a Japanese destroyer, and all prepare to die rather than be taken prisoner.
Jack Voot
A murderous black comedy set in the 1960s. Sam (McCauley) and his small band of hard-drinking and eccentric friends are having a night of it when a drunk truck driver, Jack (Bach), attacks Sam's Maori wife Sue (O'Brien). In the struggle, Sam and friends end up killing Jack. None of them regrets this, but it has been observed by Miriam (Gruar) who decides to blackmail Sam. Jack's brother Joe (Napier) comes looking for revenge and ends up being killed by Basil (Spence). Their jobs at the freezer works are terminated, and Basil has his own idea about how to get out of their troubles.
A Polynesian street-kid and a much older middle-class housewife are both incarcerated in the same mental hospital - she for attempted suicide and he for habitual crime. A friendship grows between them such that she offers him a place to stay upon his release. However, difficulties arise with his continued criminal activities and dependence on her for support - then his gang moves in with them. The film is based upon Sue McCauley's award winning autobiographical novel.
Chilling story of a farmhand who realizes his popular boss has been committing incest with his daughter for years.
Amid the high country of the North Island interior, wild horse roam and breed. With the trees gone, Dan Mitchell and the Sullivan brothers, turn to the wild horses as a source of income. With rope and snare - and the help of an experienced horse catching team - Sam and Sara's example, the rough ex-loggers learn to respect a delicate balance between the wild horses and their catchers. The best stallions are left to breed and their riding horses are retired back into the wild herds.
Edward / Max Scarry
Anthropologist Max Scarry mysteriously disappears while doing excavation/research of a lost New Zealand tribe on a remote island. His wife and his twin brother Edward are clueless as to what could have happened, a situation complicated by their city's police suspecting that one of the brothers murdered a local prostitute who was found with a strange tribal charm on her body matching one found in Max's abandoned hut. What most certainly isn't helping matters is the strange behavior of Max's daughter as she seems to have visions beyond possibility, warnings of a supernatural threat and her uncle's fate - and she's the film's narrator, to boot. Edward decides to go to the island to find out exactly what happened, but the deeper he goes into the mystery the more perilous and unknowable his world becomes, leading towards a shocking fate that raises more questions than it answers. (cont.
마오리족인 테 웨케(Te Wheke: 안자크 윌러스 분)는 영국군인으로 복무 중, 영국군에게 자기 가족이 몰살당하자 의병을 조직해 영국군에게 대항한다. 테 웨케가 백인들의 무기를 빼앗고 목사를 죽이는 등의 학살을 자행하자 스코트 중위(Lieutenant Scott: 켈리 존슨 분)가 유격대 조직의 임무를 띠고 엘리어트 대령(Colonel Elliot: 팀 엘리어트 분)의 부대로 파견된다.
Bert Cropp
During World War 2, a farmer in New Zealand murders seven people. The police, along with local Maori trackers, hunt him in the bush country.
Two brothers take their father into the city for the weekend for a rugby game and a night on the town. However, the old man dies in their hotel and the boys need to smuggle his body back to their farm and make it appear that he died there to satisfy a clause in his will or else they won't inherit the property.
It's the 21st century, the Oil Wars have made a mess of the planet and the land outside major cities is lawless. After Hunter comes to the aid of Corlie, who has run away from the villainous Straker, he takes her to the peaceful community of Clearwater. Unfortunately for the citizens of Clearwater, Straker fully intends to get Corlie back.
Daniel Harrington
A scientist in New Zealand has a secret lab where experiments are performed on humans. When he is assassinated, opposing forces rush to his hideaway to suppress or expose his secrets.